Mengatasi Gagal Instal Office 2007 Di Windows 7
Yesterday saw the release to TechNet and MSDN – Office 2010 Professional Plus. After downloading the 650MB file, I attempted to install Office 2010 in a way I have done many times before. I right clicked the file ( en_office_professional_plus_2010_x86_515486.exe) and extracted the contents to a folder and ran Setup.exe and it failed with this error message. “The language of this installation package is not supported by your system.” After several WTF’s and then some more, I tried a different approach – I installed directly from the downloaded file – by double clicking en_office_professional_plus_2010_x86_515486.exe and this time it installed correctly. So is this expected behaviour or is there something odd about my setup? Setup: All settings are English and UK.
Nov 16, 2011 Mengatasi Gagal Instal Microsoft Office 2007 dan 2010. Saat update di atas dijalankan. 1 Install Ulang Windows. I am trying to install Office 2007. I burned it to a Cd after downloading and the file I can see on the CD but the install cannot find it.
Clean Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. Both Office 2010 64bit beta’s at some point had been on the PC but were cleanly removed. Resolution The reason I was getting this error was due to the method I had used in extracting the data from the file en_office_professional_plus_2010_x86_515486.exe I had used Winzip, by right clicking the file and selecting Extract to D: Office The correct way for extacting the data was to extract using the command line. The syntax being D: en_office_professional_plus_2010_x86_515486.exe /extract:D: Office The switch /extract:D: Office extracts the files contents to D: Office on my PC, but could be any location. The other interesting this was that when extracted with WinZip the contects looked like this when extracted and like this with the native toolset.
Finally, I got the correct directory tree! Bontempi Pm 694 Anleitung Zum on this page. Directory of D: Downloads Office2010EN_US MSO.2010.x64.v.14.0.4763.1000 09:15 AM. I have a slightly different issue that sounds as though it may be linked.
Everything seemed to install fine the first time I ran the set up, but the computer hung at the point at which installation appeared to be complete. Word opened fine. Then I tried to run Outlook and it came up with an error saying it hadn’t installed correctly and I should reinstall it. When I try to change or uninstall MS Office Professional Plus 2010, though, it brings up the “The language of this installation package is not supported by your system” message.
The Light Swami Vivekananda Full Movie Mp4 there. I’ve tried extracting the original downloaded setup file as per your instructions above, which goes fine, but when I run the extracted setup.exe file it says “please wait while setup prepares the necessary files” followed by “Setup has stopped working” with no other details. So, I can’t uninstall, I can’t reinstall and now when I try to open ANY office program, nothing happens. Any help gratefully received!
Tips dan trik mengatasi gagal instal Microsoft Office 2007-2010 pada Windows XP atau Windows 7 Pada posting kali ini, blog lainGurupe'en'es mau share tentang cara mengatasi gagal instalasi officec 2007 atau 2010 baik di windows XP maupun Windows 7. Pernahkah Anda mengalami hal seperti ini, ketika kita sedang menginstal office baik itu office 2007 mapun 2010, tiba-tiba di tengah-tengan proses instalasi berhenti? Biasanya muncul pesan error yang berbunyi sebagai berikut: 'The windows installer service cannot update one or more protected windows files, you may then be instructed to insert the Windows XP Professional CD/DVD into your computer's CD/DVD Rom Drive'.
Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, ini disebabkan karena rusaknya kepingan CD/DVD Office kita atau bisa juga dikarenakan hilangnya file fp4aut.dll. Gagal instal tersebut terjadi karena hilangnya atau tidak adanya file tersebut. Nah, untuk diagnosa awal, coba Anda periksa file fp4aut.dll pada direktori C: Program Files Microsoft Shared Web Server Extensions 40 bin, jika tidak ada file fp4aut.dll pada direktori tersebut, berarti penyebabnya positif.
Troubleshootingnya cukup mudah, Anda tinggal menambahkan file tersebut ke dalam direktori tersebut (copas), lalu ulangi instalasi office dari awal. File fp4aut.dll bisa didownlod di. Ukuran file 253.87 KB dalam bentuk RAR sehingga aman dari virus atau malware.
Terbukti berhasil lho.:P.