Bluetooth Dongle Driver For Windows 8

Free Download Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter Driver for Windows 8 64-bit (Bluetooth). Find great deals on eBay for bluetooth dongle windows 8 and bluetooth dongle. Shop with confidence.

I have a similar problem with my Logitech Mini Boombox since upgrading my OS from Windows 7 Home Premium to Windows 8 Pro on. Although the Mini Boombox is recognised in Devices, it will not go online. I did not have any problem with it in Windows 7 and the Boombox is working fine on my other computer which still runs Windows 7.

Logitech have informed me that there is no driver in the Boombox. I, surmise, therefore that there is a problem with the Bluetooth software in Windows 8 for certain devices. Yes, it requires urgent attention as millions of devices now use Bluetooth. If Logitech tells you there is no driver for it, then that is their fault, not Microsoft's. It's Logitech's hardware, and their responsibility to write drivers for it. They may choose not to write one for any variety of reasons; they may have a newer competitive device, or one in the works.

If that's the case, or Logitech just decides not to support your Boombox for Windows 8, then you can, 1) roll back to Windows 7, or 2) buy a similar device that does support Windows 8. Just bad news all the way around, isn't it? I am prepared to 'bite the bullet' and buy a similar Bluetooth audio device which will be supported by Windows 8. But which one? Rolling back to Windows 7 is an expensive option as I did not save my windows 7 to a partition which I only found out later from forums I should have done. A WARNING TO OTHERS DOWNLOADING WINDOW 8.

Bluetooth Dongle Driver For Windows 8

SAVE YOUR WINDOWS 7 IN A PARTITION SO YOU MAY THEN RECOVER IT! Anyhow, Logitech have agreed to look into the problem (I sent diagnostics to them yesterday). Will advise any developments. 'Paul Turner 1947' wrote in message

Bluetooth Dongle Driver For Windows 8

A WARNING TO OTHERS DOWNLOADING WINDOW 8. SAVE YOUR WINDOWS 7 IN A PARTITION SO YOU MAY THEN RECOVER IT! I think all OS upgrades should have that warning. I know I'm not the only one, but I do regular drive images, and definitely make one before doing any major changes to the OS, and especially before upgrading to a new OS.

Like you, I don’t like to re-install everything I already had installed. I went through that when going from XP to Win7 without Vista in between. It was a necessary evil(?) though; by having to do that, I gained all kinds of hard drive space by NOT re-installing programs that I forgot I had installed, and others that I knew were there, but never used or bothered to uninstall. Good luck with Logitech. They're a fine company; I've used their hardware for years, including two BT travel mice that I have for my laptops.

I too make drive inages. At least in Windows 7, I know if you type 'backup and restore' in the search box in the start menu and then select Backup and Restore in programs portion of the results window above, you can use W7 to create a system image.

(Shown as an option on the left pane when you get to the Backup and Restore window.) Make sure that you have a USB drive large enough to take the image. Also make a system repair disk as well to use to boot the system when restoring the system image. By the Way, if you get to W8 and want to go back to W7 for a while, W8 has retained the W7 backup and restore so you can create a W8 image and repair disk as well. The trick here is to make certain that you backup all of your personal files before each change, because the image will not be up to date with changes. Then restore the personal files to the image you are curently using when the restore is completed. That's the same dongle I have. I bought it 12/2009 and it has worked for me from Vista through Win8.

I did upgrades from vista to 7, then from 7 to 8 over those years, but I don't remember having to do anything special to make it work other than making sure the mouse was off, opening Bluetooth in D&P, clicking on 'Add a device', and then when the search window came up, turn the mouse on. I didn't even have to press the connect button; Windows just found it, and it was ready to go. I won't have the laptop with the dongle back until tomorrow sometime, but when I do, I'll check the driver versions on it, if you'd like. IIRC, I got them from IOGear back when I had Win8 CP on it.

That's the same dongle I have. I bought it 12/2009 and it has worked for me from Vista through Win8. I did upgrades from vista to 7, then from 7 to 8 over those years, but I don't remember having to do anything special to make it work other than making sure the mouse was off, opening Bluetooth in D&P, clicking on 'Add a device', and then when the search window came up, turn the mouse on. I didn't even have to press the connect button; Windows just found it, and it was ready to go. I won't have the laptop with the dongle back until tomorrow sometime, but when I do, I'll check the driver versions on it, if you'd like. IIRC, I got them from IOGear back when I had Win8 CP on it. SC Tom Great thanks.

The device is listed as 'Broadcom 2046 Bluetooth 2.1+EDR USB Dongle with First Connect', and the driver is from Broadcom, v6.3.5.430. According to here there is a newer driver. Maybe that one will work for you. SC Tom SC Tom, My GBU421 is listed in W8 devices as BCM92046DG-CL1ROM (in the desktop device manager it is listed as the same as yours).

The driver version is however. I have tried the URL link you provided and the software runs and says that I already have the latest driver. I have tried to use older BroadComm software, but W8 says there are problems with it and will not run the software. As I spoke earlier, W8 install flagged the existing WidComm software as incompatible and it was uninstalled before the upgrade.??? I briefly had a Bluetooth mouse connected to the W8 pc when I first upgraded and I seem to remember that it worked. I didn't like it so returned it and purchased a USB touchpad T650. I believe this is an issue with the drivers for the for Bluetooth audio.

When I try to connect with my headset, in device manger, the offline status goes away and then comes back and the headset gives a no connection tone. 'Dannfort' wrote in message I briefly had a Bluetooth mouse connected to the W8 pc when I first upgraded and I seem to remember that it worked. I didn't like it so returned it and purchased a USB touchpad T650. I believe this is an issue with the drivers for the for Bluetooth audio. When I try to connect with my headset, in device manger, the offline status goes away and then comes back and the headset gives a no connection tone. You're probably right that it's the audio drivers.

Is that strictly for the headset, or does the same device control your speakers (assuming you use them also)? I don't know if you're familiar with the Microsoft Update Catalog. But there are a number of entries for 'headset', some drivers for Win8 even: That's all I got, unfortunately.

I wish you luck with it, and please post back if you ever get it working, along with the solution. REACTION TO: I have just downloaded the latest Bluetooth Drivers that support Windows 8 from Broadcom at and they worked fully on both my ASUS G72GX and my Dell XPS 1530 laptop. One had an internal card and one an external USB device'. Hi, I have Dell Inspiron, Windows 8, bought aprox. From the beginning the bluetooth doesn't work. It connected to my phone Samsung Galaxy Ace.

I can see this connection on the phone and in my laptop. But on the laptop it is allways 'offline'. The phone is settle to 'be visible to others', I guess Laptop can see it as it is possible to add it to bluetooth devices. But it is always 'offline' and when I try to send a Picture from phone to laptop, the message appears on the phone that 'the end device refuses to accept the file' and on laptop there is no sign, no announcement that there was any try to send/receive something.

I downloaded the update you mentioned and when I saved it and then run the setup, it says that 'this programm cannot upgrade your software.' The detection bluetooth device cannot run. Maybe it is not for Dell Inspiron or for Samsung. But I have tried several phones (Nokia, Sonny) and with all of them it was the same. The Laptop doesn't recognize that they are online and refuses sent files without noticing that some device is trying to send something. Can you please, please help?

I really need it to work. I took the laptop where I bought it and they do not know how to help. And on the icon on the bottom bar there is blind (cannot be used) the option 'enable to connect devices'.

Hi, I have Dell Inspiron, Windows 8, bought aprox. From the beginning the bluetooth doesn't work.

It connected to my phone Samsung Galaxy Ace. I can see this connection on the phone and in my laptop. But on the laptop it is allways 'offline'.

The phone is settle to 'be visible to others', I guess Laptop can see it as it is possible to add it to bluetooth devices. But it is always 'offline' and when I try to send a Picture from phone to laptop, the message appears on the phone that 'the end device refuses to accept the file' and on laptop there is no sign, no announcement that there was any try to send/receive something. I downloaded the update you mentioned and when I saved it and then run the setup, it says that 'this programm cannot upgrade your software.' The detection bluetooth device cannot run. Maybe it is not for Dell Inspiron or for Samsung. But I have tried several phones (Nokia, Sonny) and with all of them it was the same.

The Laptop doesn't recognize that they are online and refuses sent files without noticing that some device is trying to send something. Henry . Can you please, please help?

I really need it to work. I took the laptop where I bought it and they do not know how to help. ======= Hi, I would start with making certain that the original Dell factory image is installed. Is this a new Dell ordered from Dell or purchased at a Dell retailer with Windows 8 pre-installed? If Windows 8 was installed after the laptop was delivered then it doesn't have a Dell windows 8 image. The company who installed Windows 8 should have installed the appropriate W8 Bluetooth drivers.

If they did then the Bluetooth should be working, but because it isn't, I would go to the Dell support website and enter the service tag number of the laptop and follow the prompts to search for Windows 8 drivers. Download the Bluetooth driver and install it.

Make certain that the install completes successfully. I believe the specific problem you are having is that the native windows Bluetooth drivers are installed, but not the complete set of drivers for all Bluetooth functionality. The Dell Bluetooth drivers for Windows 8 should solve that problem. Dannfort wrote: Okay. Download the Bluetooth driver and install it. Make certain that the install completes successfully. I believe the specific problem you are having is that the native windows Bluetooth drivers are installed, but not the complete set of drivers for all Bluetooth functionality.

The Dell Bluetooth drivers for Windows 8 should solve that problem. Should but don't. At least not always. I have a Dell XPS 1640 which has built-in Bluetooth. It worked very well indeed on Win 7 but disappeared completely when I upgraded to Win 8 Enterprise.

For weeks I have been searching for a solution. I have been down the Dell Support Center route and upgraded all the drivers I could find. I have tried downloading and installing the Broadcom BT for Win 8 software but only get as far as the detecting a BT device screen. Does anyone have a solution that works???? I for one would be immensely grateful. I have a Dell XPS 1530 with built in Bluetooth. After upgrading that machine, I decided to do a clean install of windows 8 instead of the upgrade by asking Windows 8 to take the machine back to factory.

It fully supported the Bluetooth. I did have to load the Broadcom drivers at that point to get full functionality, but it works. I have an ASUS G72GX that I upgraded to W8 and it never found the camera in 'Metro'.

I took it back to factory and it works better and found the camera in 'Metro' with no factory drivers. It might be worth it to try the Windows 8 back to factory. The other option is to take the machine back to its original OS, shrink the disk partition (if you have room) and do the w8 upgrade on the new partition creating a dual boot option. This is a really great option if you want to go back to your old OS when you get frustrated with W8, but then with dual boot you can load W8 when you cool down and want to give it another try to see if the drivers have been issued for your hardware. Good Morning All - Connecting to W8 with my Bluetooth Device was a pain, but finally successful. The follow on pain is also a challenge. Reconnecting the same device the next day. After searching numerous forums, I see this is a widespread issue.

After piecing together several tricks, I think I have a Bluetooth Reconnection solution that works for me 100% of the time. (Connecting Plantronics Bluetooth Earpiece to Windows 8, then using on Skype) >>Settings>>Change PC Settings>>Wireless>>Wireless Devices Turn the Bluetooth Radio Off.Wait 15-30 Seconds.Turn the radio back On Usually, the device will connect right away, however, I think it seems to work best if I turn it off and then turn it on after the Bluetooth Radio is back on for 15 seconds or so. This works for me! I've had trouble with my Bluetooth ever since I bought my copy of Windows 8.

They connect but then go offline and don't come back on. My phone says the computer's Bluetooth is offline too, so it goes both ways. I've connected my phone to other devices countless times in the past year, so it's not a problem with my phone (or probably my headset, since my phone is fine). One thing I'm wondering is why my system is missing many of the options you all are saying should be there. I have a custom-built desktop running Windows 8, and just two of the options it is missing are 1) Wireless>>Wireless Devices, 2) Bluetooth Adapter (in devices and Printers). International Infrastructure Maintenance Manual Download Free. I have a built-in adapter on my motherboard, so there is no connection issue as far as activating Bluetooth. Also, the 'solution' from earlier posts does not show up when I click on it.

It shows several people giving mixed reviews but there is nothing to show any solution on that page anymore. Also, when I go into my Bluetooth Settings, the check-box for 'Allow remote devices to browse, send, and receive pictures, music, and other files' is greyed out, so I can't check it. I cannot open the Bluetooth Exchange Folder, either. That whole section is greyed out, as if there is no Bluetooth adapter. I tried updating the drivers from the generic ones to those provided by ASUS (motherboard), but they kept bringing up the error that I had to uninstall the previous Bluetooth installation. This was even after I had uninstalled Bluetooth through my Device Manager. Am I missing something?

Isn't there only one Bluetooth to uninstall, or am I living in a different universe? Windows 8.1 on a Lenovo yoga pro 2. Trying to connect Bose Soundlink Mini.

Worked fine the first, and second time. Then connection progressively diminished over a short period.

I've about had it! This is just one of several issues I have had with W8.1. I have been a diehard loyal fan of window OS. My entire life.

Just spent $1300.00 on this new laptop and I am trying hard not to slam it into the wall and jump on it like a plague ridden varmint. Is there a simple fix?

Is it just time to jump ship and swim over to Apple.