48 Hour Chick Embryo Serial Sections

48 Hour Chick Embryo Serial Sections

Chick Development CONTENTS Development of the Chick Like fish eggs, chick eggs are telolecithal and undergo meroblastic cleavage. Kshana Kshana Kannada Serial. Chick development has traditionally been presented in embryology and developmental biology courses because of the accessibility of embryos at desired stages. As well, it is a good model for understanding vertebrate development in general and mammalian development in particular.

Divisions of the developing brain. Neuromeres in the rhombencephalon. Neuromeres are segmental divisions of the brain seen in the embryo. Heart forming region is now seen much more clearly; portions of the somites are seen. Chick embryo 33 hrs serial cross section. 48 Hour Chick Embryo Whole Mount. Details of Head. Note that in the 24 hour chick, Hensen's node is located further caudally and the primitive streak is present only at the posterior end of the embryo.

Remember, you are not just looking at the embryos; you are studying them to understand how the embryo is formed. 24-hour Chick You should by examining the material prepared by Dr. Steven Scadding at The University of Guelph at his Web site, Developmental Biology ONLINE. This link will take you to the introduction homepage of the 24-hour chick embryo. It is crucial that you read and understand the explanation given on how to navigate through the 15 photographs of the chick embryo. After you have carefully read this, click on the 'GO!

To the site' button. Movie: Ch_24hr.Mov. Next, you should use this movie to obtain an overview of the 24-hour chick embryo and to obtain a sense of the structural continuity of the embryo. This film was compiled from photographing serial cross-sections of the embryo. Use the same procedure as for the 24-hour stage. A has been prepared by Dr.

No Pen Patch Bedeutung Wei?e. Again, the homepage for the 48-hour chick must be thoroughly understood before proceeding. Hint: The cranial flexure of the embryo makes the head of the chick point caudally, so that the most anterior section is the midbrain.

The dextral torsion refers to the twisting of the embryo whereby the left side of the anterior half rests upon the yolk, and the posterior half remains dorsal-ventral with respect to the yolk. There are 45 sections to view.

You will not have enough time to analyze them in depth and identify every structure. Be sure that you can identify the following: • Brain • Optic cups • Lens • Otic capsules • Foregut • Pharynx • Somite • Spinal cord • Notochord • Dorsal aortae • Extraembryonic coelom • Stomodeum Movie: Ch_48hr2.Mov. Now examine the movie of the 48-hour chick embryo cross-sections and try to identify the above structures in the various sections.

Dynamic Development is a Virtual Embryo learning resource. This material may be reproduced for educational purposes only provided credit is given to the original source.

& (Ed.) Dynamic Development Last revised Wednesday, July 29, 1998.

48hrchick 48 hr. The following are serial cross sections of the 48 hr. Chick embryo. Numbers represent ectodermal derivatives (NE or epi ecto) and letters represent mesodermal derivatives (cardiovascular). Identify the two regions of the brain (1 and 4) by identify the otic vesicle (2) and nasal placode (4) Compare thickness of the walls of the anterior cardinal vein (a) to the dorsal aorta (b). What does 'C' represent? Artery or vein?

Identify this region of the brain # 6. The optic cup (8) develops from this brain region. The infundibulum (5) and Rathke's pouch (7) will form the pituitary gland. Examine the eye to identify the sensory vs.

Pigmented region, lens and cornea. Identify the regions of the CNS and blood vessels. Identify the endocardium vs. The epimyocardium. What arteries are in the field of view? How many heart chambers are present at this stage? The common cardinal vein (C) is seen depositing blood into the sino-atrial region (D) The Vitelline vein (V) is at the site of the Anterior Intestinal Portal.

What portion of the CNS is in the field of view? The Vitelline artery (VA) carries wastes away from the embryo.