How To Build A Value Driver Tree

5, Finished Gd. 6, Total Cur. 8, Fixed Assets: 9, Land, 100. 12, Total Fixed Assets, 600. 14, Interest Free Liabilities: 15, Trade liability, 100. 16, Advances received, 50. 17, Accrual for income taxes, 50. 18, Interest Free Liabilities, 200.

How To Build A Value Driver Tree

CTQ Tree Explanation An explanation of a CTQ tree is a key measurable aspect of a process or product, which has a specified limit or performance standard that must be met to fully satisfy the customer. In other words, CTQ trees give a visual layout of what a customer expects for a product, what their needs and interests are for that product. The CTQ tree helps in the design production for a product by taking a customers needs into account, adapting the product to what they expect. CTQ trees are used with the. Ways to Make a CTQ Tree The first step in creating a CTQ tree is to for a product. For example, if the project is say a new standard of netbook, perhaps a customer's requirement is that the netbook be light and small.

This first step has a lot of sub-steps, all of which are directly related to what a customer is looking for. Try to identify at least three to five requirements that a customer is looking for.

Our example for the netbook may be light and small, able to run high quality graphics (for media playback or video games), a fast processor, high level of customization (such as laptop color or design), and affordable price. These goals are of course achieved with open dialogue between both the team working on the CTQ as well as the customer. When the requirements are met, then it is time to set measurements for the requirements; that is, that discussion begins on how realistic the requirements are. Can the netbook still be light and small if it has the ability to run quality graphics? Can an affordable price be had if the customer can design their own computer?

The last step is to confirm the requirements that the customers have set for the product and that those requirements can be met by the company or manufacturer. Again, open discussion is advised in order to get to a point where both the customer and the company are happy with the projected ideas and expectations. The main points a CTQ tree are to make sure that the needs of the customer are met and then converted into a reasonable and. It also helps the team working on the project get from the idea stage - that of the needs and requirements of the customer - to the planning stage, that is the stage in which the design is put into a more specialization context for the company itself. The time it takes for the completion of a CTQ tree is dependent on when the needs are met and if any more ideas come to the table.

Image Credits: • CTQ Tree 1 at (released into the public domain). • CTQ Tree 2 created by Gina66. Maryland Non Public Schools Textbook Programming here.

Value Driver Tree in SAP Analytics Cloud(SAC) is a very effective simulation/What-If analysis process tool used on planning models. We start with the assumption that the data model for planning scenario already exists within SAC, and the scenario for our VDT Process is to calculate the Changes to Total Expenses based on a Driver. In this blog, I will show you how you can create a VDT process for manipulating the Total Expenses as we change the Driver% for Expenses. Please note: You can also create a similar process for Revenues and calculate Net Revenue.

In my current scenario, I will build the following formula to calculate the Total Expenses based on the user input Driver% increase or decrease: Steps: • From the Home menu, select Create –>Process –>Value Driver Tree 2. Provide a name and select the planning model and press Create. Fostex Fe206e Full Range Driver here. In the Time & Model tab, I have granularity set to year, and the selected time period shows 2017. As I have only 2017 data, I will leave the selections as is: 4. Next we select the Calculation tab and start building our VDT process.

NOTE: For adding nodes use the “+” icon in the menu: 5. I will start by defining an existing node as a data source node, which is basically the source of data. In my case, this is going to be Driver% for Expenses, which I will use to input data for manipulating my expenses. I will also define the next node as my Data Source Node which will be Total Expenses. This data point is coming from my transaction data file. Now we combine the previous 2 nodes using a calculation node and specify an operation to leverage the user input (Driver% for Expenses) data to manipulate the transaction data i.e.

Total Expenses. We start by creating a node and specify it as a Calculation node: Impact of Driver% on Expense 8. The change (increase or decrease) in expenses derived from previous step needs to be added to the existing expenses to get a final change in total expenses.

In this step, I add 2 nodes: a.Total Expenses Data source node which has the actual b. Calculation node to sum the Total Expenses and the Impact of Driver% on Expense to derive the Change in Total Expenses.

I) Total Expenses ii) Change in Total Expenses 9. This completes the process of building the VDT. As a next step we copy this model for consumption: 10. Click on Consumption tab to see the flow copied: 11. Save the model and click on the main menu and select create stories: 12. Add a Canvas Page, and select a table: 13. Assign a data source and select appropriate dimensions and measures: 14. Next insert the VDT model which we have created: 15. VDT model is now added to the canvas: 16. Start by copying the Actual to a Plan Version under Version management: 17. Give a name to the private version: 18. Filter the category dimension to choose Plan version.

Filter the Plan version for the VDT: 20. Change the Driver% for Expenses within VDT and Run the Simulation Final Output After the Simulation: Once the simulation run is complete, you will notice the changes to the values highlighted in yellow. This concludes the blog. Hope you can use this functionality in your scenarios as well.

Happy Simulations!!