Virginia Hipp Program Qualifications

The Department of Medical Assistance Services. Medicaid for Virginia. Medical Assistance Eligibility Policy and Guidance. Disabilities Program (Va-LEND) and Elaine Ogburn of Va-LEND, in consultation with Terry Smith. Division Director. Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) & HIPP For Kids Programs 13. Individual and Family. List for the ID or DD waiver is that the individual is eligible to apply for the Individual and Family Support. Bontempi Pm 694 Anleitung Zum on this page.

Virginia Hipp Program Qualifications

Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Programs Virginia has two Medicaid related premium assistance programs that help pay for employer-sponsored health insurance. You or a member of your family must first be enrolled in a Medicaid program to be eligible to apply for the HIPP programs. The Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) For Kids Program Is a premium assistance program for Medicaid enrolled children under the age of 19 who are eligible for or enrolled in qualified employer-sponsored coverage.

The Health Insurance Premium Payment Program When determined to be cost effective, this is a cost saving program for Medicaid members and reimburses some or all of the employee portion of the group health insurance premium for members who have employer sponsored group health insurance available to them through their own or their family member’s employment. All applications for premium assistance are first evaluated for the HIPP for Kids program. If it is determined that the eligibility criteria for the HIPP for Kids program are not met, the application is automatically evaluated for the HIPP program. Download Fallout 2 Free Full Version Pc.

Program Information Click for more information about the HIPP programs or contact our toll-free helpline at 1-800-432-5924.