Odin Sphere Iso Ntsc Pal Converter
PAL games are possible to play on a NTSC system with ESR, right? At least that's kind of what I've read. But the thing is I just burned(at x1) the PAL version of Odin Sphere, and when I pop the disc in and fire it up with ESR I get the usual quick flash of a pink and green screen but then the game doesn't start. It just stays on a black screen. I've read that some PAL games won't work on ESR, is Odin Sphere one of those? Or is there some kind of patcher that I need for PAL to NTSC?
Asus Rampage Iv Black Edition X791. Odin Sphere Iso Ntsc And Pal. Games - Panel de Control de Usuario. Al ingresar en. En caso contrario por favor no se registre y/o use. I need to convert a game from PAL to NTSC so I can install it on my HD in my PS2 that is soft modded. Is this possible or no? I have Sonic Mega.
Thanks for any help. I'll really appreciate it as I've heard the PAL version of Odin Sphere doesn't have those nasty lag issues. Alright, thanks a lot for the reply Dashey.
I'll give 8x a shot and report back. I do have an unrelated question though that I'm hoping to get help with as well. I've had FMB and ESR for a while but I'm still pretty new this. Anyways, I put OPL on my USB stick, stuck the USB into my PS2 and attempted to copy/paste the OPL.elf from the USB to my memory card. I pasted the.elf into my Boot folder on my memory card because that's where the ESR and other.elf's were sitting.
But for some reason OPL isn't appearing on the screen that shows ESR, uLaunch, HD Loader, etc, when I turn my ps2 on. Would you happen to know if I'm doing something wrong? I see when I go to paste on my memory card there's a few Paste options. One named Paste, then others named something like MCPaste(I think) and another one named some other type of Paste. So should I be using one of those options to paste onto my memory card? Sorry what Dashey10 said is wrong Im not trying to start a flame war here but as far as I know his reply is very wrong It could all depend on the type and model (phat,sim, and the SCPH model number) of your PS2.What you need to do for PAL games with FMCB (softmod console) on a PS2 is use this here and then follow this video as well,it explains how to use the application that I included a link too so by doing this your PAL game can play in a NTSC video setting and your NTSC can play in PAL video settings • •. Shit h8uthemost I forgot to mention once you get used to using the NTSC2PAL Yfixer application you can burn the games at whatever speeds your DVD burner supports and also your Blank media DVD will have a speed recommendation on it also but if you MUST play the game like it life or death of something, or say if its your last DVD be patient and burn at slowest speed just to avoid the small chance of false negatively burnt boot sector verifications (i.e a quality burn) the video suggests using 48 as the screen Yfix and I too find that 48 is best Good Luck playing your ESR ps2 game today!
Thanks guys for all the help. Firstly, I was able to get OPL onto my memory card. Like Grimlock mentioned just go into the FMB Configuration and there's a settings called ODYS(or something along that line), and you can set up a newly installed.elf through that. Just thought I'd put this incase somebody else stumbles across this thread with the same question. And for the Odin Sphere, I got the game working by burning to 4x. For some reason ESR wouldn't recognize the disc at 8x like Dashey recommended, but 4x was the charm.
And what I read was right, there is no lag in the PAL version of this game. How freakin' awesome! I'm wondering if the devs released the PAL/JAP version of this game after the NTSC version and thought they needed to fix the lag. And finally to Qman, thank you for that info. I have a Slim ps2, and believe the model is a 7001, or 7002. I forget which.
Vaudeville Villain Mf Doom Zip. But anyways, if the PAL version of Odin Sphere runs on my NTSC console with having to use the app that you linked me to won't other PAL games as well? Nevertheless, if I run into a PAL game that won't run then I'll try the app.
The only thing is I'm a Linux user, so hopefully that Yfix runs under it with Wine. I got lucky with the ESR patcher working under Wine so hopefully this does too.
Anyways, thanks to all of you for helping me out. Much appreciated. Just what I feared. Yfix isn't working under Wine. Maybe I'll come across a PAL to NTSC fixer that will work in Linux.
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