Mortgage Marketing Flyers Templates

Using Loan Officer Marketing Flyers in Your Marketing Plan Looking to use loan officer marketing flyers in your marketing plan? There are a number of flyer options available which can easily be included in any marketing strategy.

All you need to do is pick which of the many profitable niches you wish to target, choose the flyer that is right for you, and get out there and market yourself! According to a study done by WOMMA (Word of Mouth Marketing Association), 60 percent of consumers share product information with family and friends. Make it easy for them to share the mortgage information you give them, including your contact information, by distributing loan officer marketing flyers. Whether you decide to use a larger flyer, such as a newsletter, or a short informative piece, like a brochure, you will soon come to be known as an expert within your target market. Niche Marketing With Loan Officer Marketing Flyers One of the best niches to target in the current market would be those with expiring ARMs right around the corner. More than $300 billion of ARMs issued to borrowers with good credit were expected begin resetting over 2007-2008, according to investment industry leaders, with $718 billion more of these loans resetting in 2008 and 2009.

Mortgage Marketing Flyers Templates

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Mortgage Marketing Flyers Templates

The large number of expiring ARMs means there are plenty of people out there looking to refinance. Be one of the first to jump on this opportunity by informing clients and prospects of refinancing options through loan officer marketing flyers. • • • First-time home buyers are yet another great niche to target with your loan officer marketing flyers. Maplin Usb Robotic Arm Software Download here. First-time homebuyers are finding this a good time to dip their toes in the water. In November 2007, 39 percent of purchasers were first-time homebuyers, according to the National Association of Realtors.

Descargar Nuevo Diccionario Biblia Certeza Pdf Free. First-time homebuyers need your expertise the most, so be sure to grab their attention and become the trusted advisor they can turn to. •: including titles such as: • 'Understanding Mortgages' • 'Understanding Mortgage Terms' • 'Homeowner Tax Breaks' • include these topics (and more): • 'Homebuyer Checklist' • 'Home Inspection Essentials' • 'Buying Your First Home' • 'Understanding Your Credit Score' Another possible niche is the growing reverse mortgage market. The reverse mortgage industry is estimated to be at $3 trillion by 2009, making it an excellent target market for those loan officers looking to build their business. The National Association of Realtors found that in 2007, 60 percent of all U.S. Households were empty-nesters. With the number of empty nesters continuing to increase, more and more people will be looking to apply the equity they have built in their homes towards other uses. Get your loan officer marketing flyers out there today and grow your reverse mortgage business by leaps and bounds using a Brochure!

Joint Marketing With Loan Officer Marketing Flyers If you, like others, have been forced to become more budget-conscious in today's volatile market, you may want to consider joint marketing with another professional to split the cost of your marketing in half. Joint marketing with a Realtor (or other referral source partner) is a great option. For example, Realtors can place your joint marketing flyers around the houses they are showing and in their offices, where eager clients will have access to both your contact information. Not only will you be marketing yourself, you will have another professional marketing for you as well. Think of it as doubling your exposure for half the price! Consider the following loan officer marketing flyers: • - bring your clients wonderful (and keepable) home-related information and keep both your names and info at their doorstep • - educate prospects on the basics of mortgages and homeownership with a range of home-buying topics Versatility in Loan Officer Marketing Flyers Loan officer marketing flyers are also a wonderful marketing tool because of their versatility. Not only can you mail them out to your clients (or have them mailed out for you), you can use these flyers as a great reason to walk a neighborhood and get to know prospective clients.

You stand a much better chance of them remembering you the next time they are in need of your services by giving them a useful, informative flyer in person. Meeting people face-to-face is a great way to stand out and show them exactly how dedicated of a professional you are. Some topics that may interest your friends and neighbors include: •, including newly released • • Help in Using Your Loan Officer Marketing Flyers You are sure to find the loan officer marketing flyers you have been searching for at In Touch Today. We are constantly releasing new products that focus on our ever-fluctuating market, including the products mentioned above.

Our helpful consultants would be glad to speak with you and help you get your marketing plan off the ground in a short amount of time. If you already have a general idea of where you would like your marketing to go, our customer liaisons have extensive knowledge of our many products and would love to help you find the exact message you are looking to send to your clients. Get started today by filling out the form below and receive your FREE catalog and samples of our printed products. With our extensive product offering, we are sure to have exactly what you are looking for, and would love to help you get started!