Delphi Xe5 Serial Communication In Java

You could try. The technique I should adopt is to build a COM wrapper of java business logic, and using this COM server from delphi throught interoperability. Delphi can build a type library of a COM server, and you could istantiate the com server using this typelibrary. Pgcedit 9 3 Keygen Crack here. Type library is simply a wrapper of the server, exposing its interface to be used by delphi code. The key to communicating with different platform softwares is called 'interoperability'.

NrComm Lib Pro 9. Download Maxwell Render V3 Crack. 27 Full Source D7, XE2, XE5, XE6 Delphi XE5 Android Bluetooth. Codegear Delphi serial control. Serial Communication Library for Delphi.

You can find this also versus win32. Tipically delphi code is win32 (exe or dll), and you can build communication protocol between delphi objects assemblies or java bytecode using interoperability solutions.

Delphi Xe5 Serial Communication In Java