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Protocol Test Harness Crackberry

Ruben Gonzalez Jr. Worked his way through a chemistry degree at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, first at a fast-food joint, then at a video store, where he eventually became assistant manager. Somehow, he also found time for science, spending his last three years in Stephen Winkle’s lab researching changes in the shape of DNA when it switches from a normal, right-handed helix to the opposite, left-handed form.

“I got lucky—hit the jackpot—[when] Ruben decided he wanted to work in my lab,” says Winkle, who knew Gonzalez as the student in his biochemistry class acing all of the tests. Gonzalez had planned on becoming a high school chemistry teacher after college, but Winkle saw a different path for the young scientist and encouraged him to apply to graduate programs.

In 1995, the pair were in San Francisco for a meeting of the Biophysical Society when Gonzalez got the news he’d been accepted into the University of California, Berkeley, where Winkle had done his own graduate work years earlier. They headed across the bay to meet Winkle’s former advisor, Ignacio “Nacho” Tinoco Jr., who immediately sold Gonzalez on RNA. “The idea that this molecule could carry the genetic information like DNA does, but could also fold into really complicated three-dimensional structures that could do chemistry like proteins... I fell in love with that idea,” Gonzalez recalls. In Tinoco’s lab at Berkeley, Gonzalez studied RNA pseudoknots, the simplest known tertiary structure of RNA, consisting of two intertwined hairpin loops.

Gonzalez solved the structure of a magnesium ion binding site in a pseudoknot from the mouse mammary tumor virus. He accomplished this by swapping out the magnesium ions, which help stabilize the structure but are not visible using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), replacing them with cobalt hexammine ions, which are NMR active. “I could actually see where the cobalt hexammine bound to the RNA and detect how it stabilized that particular structure,” says Gonzalez. “He was not only smart, but he was ambitious and really cared about the science,” Tinoco says of Gonzalez. Gonzalez went to Stanford University for a postdoc, working under RNA expert Joseph (Jody) Puglisi and physicist Steve Chu to develop single-molecule fluorescence tools that could aid in imaging ribosomes interacting with tRNA during protein translation. “[This was] the very first demonstration ever that one could study ribosomes and translation using single-molecule fluorescent approaches,” Gonzalez says. In 2006, Gonzalez arrived at Columbia University, where he now oversees four postdocs, 11 graduate students, and one undergrad.

Much of his group’s current work involves extending discoveries about translation in E. Coli to the process in eukaryotes, with an eye toward human health and disease. Gonzalez also continues to innovate on the technological front, most recently by applying single-molecule field-effect transistors (smFET)—carbon nanotubes covalently bonded to the nucleic acids or proteins of interest that can help illuminate molecular structure—to the study of RNA, ribosomes, and translation. Gonzalez says he’s excited about how this new tool is going to allow him to dissect the process of translation at an ever-finer scale, in particular at much faster timescales, opening a window on how “ribosomes or other enzymes make decisions about correct or incorrect substrates.” • R.L. Gonzalez Jr., I. Tinoco Jr., “Solution structure and thermodynamics of a divalent metal ion binding site in an RNA pseudoknot,”, 289:1267-82, 1999. (Cited 97 times) • S.C.

Blanchard et al., “tRNA dynamics on the ribosome during translation,”, 101:12893-98, 2004. (Cited 311 times) • S. Sorgenfrei et al., “Label-free single-molecule detection of DNA-hybridization kinetics with a carbon nanotube field-effect transistor,”, 6:126-32, 2011. (Cited 111 times). MONETIZING THE MOBILE FAST LANE WITH DIAMETER SIGNALING: HOW DIAMETER AND POLICY MANAGEMENT CAN BE USED TO CREATE NEW REVENUE STREAMS he transformation of mobile communications networks into full-fledged IP networks has enabled operators to deliver a plethora of new services, content and applications to their subscribers. However, this IP metamorphosis has also enabled OTT players to gain a foothold at the expense of the mobile network operators.

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That's an increasingly popular and practical notion. As a result, adoption of a, sometimes called a cloud portfolio, is growing quickly. In its, RightScale, a provider of cloud portfolio management services, noted that as of January 2015, 82% of surveyed enterprises are now employing a multi-cloud deployment model, up from 74% just one year earlier. Within that group, a mix of public and private clouds is favored by 55%, while those opting solely for multiple private or multiple public clouds are split almost equally (14% and 13%, respectively). As companies simultaneously move applications and data to the public cloud, keep others on premises, and integrate with, it's important for them to deploy services in a consistent and repeatable way. '[Fail] to work this way and IT operations will not be able to maintain control,' said Bailey Caldwell, RightScale's vice president of customer success.

Consistency through automation In its, a cadre of nine Forrester Research analysts states that automating is the answer to the fundamental issues of scale, speed, costs and accuracy. 'It's not how well your cloud is organized or how shiny and new it is; it's about how well does that the application and workload perform together.' Roy Ritthaller Vice president of marketing for IT operations management, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Commenting on the report in relation to cloud deployment, analyst said, 'You may have a built a workload for Amazon [Web Services] that you now want to run in [Microsoft] Azure, or replace with a database in Salesforce, or use an ERP system like SAP in the cloud. You need a consistent way to deploy this.' The problem, Bartoletti explained, is that businesses find deployment across these varied platforms difficult largely due to a lack of tools with cross-platform intelligence. 'Traditionally, you'd use the tool that comes with the platform, perhaps vCenter Server for VMware vSphere environments or AWS OpsWorks to deploy on Amazon.' The tools landscape is still adapting to the reality of the multi-cloud deployment model.

In his October 2015 survey of hybrid cloud management offerings, Bartoletti analyzed 36 vendors, several of which offer tools that along with application development and delivery. Switching between cloud environments Consistency appears to be the keyword for existing in a multi-cloud universe. It matters because nothing stays still in the cloud for very long, including the apps and data you provide and the actual infrastructures, services and pricing of each provider. 'If you want to move applications, data and services among different providers -- and you will as part of a continuous deployment strategy -- it's important to have consistency and a level of efficiency for managing those disparate environments,' said, senior analyst at the Enterprise Strategy Group. For enterprises, multicloud strategy remains a siloed approach by Enterprises need a multicloud strategy to juggle AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform, but the long-held promise of portability remains more dream than reality. Most enterprises utilize more than one of the hyperscale cloud providers, but 'multicloud' remains a partitioned approach for corporate IT. Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues to dominate the public cloud infrastructure market it essentially created a decade ago, but other platforms, especially Microsoft Azure, inside enterprises, too.

As a result, companies must balance management of the disparate environments with questions of how deep to go on a single platform, all while the notion of connectivity of resources across clouds remains more theoretical than practical. Similar to hybrid cloud before it, has an amorphous definition among IT pros as various stakeholders glom on to the latest buzzword to position themselves as relevant players. It has come to encompass everything from the use of multiple infrastructure as a service (IaaS) clouds, both public and private, to public IaaS alongside platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). The most common definition of a multicloud strategy, though, is the use of multiple public cloud IaaS providers.

By this strictest definition, multicloud is already standard operations for most enterprises. Among AWS customers, 56% said they already use IaaS services from at least one other vendor, according to IDC. 'If you go into a large enterprise you're going to have different teams across the organization using different cloud platforms,' said Jeff Cotten, president of Rackspace, based in Windcrest, Texas, which offers managed services for AWS and Azure. 'It's not typically the same product teams leveraging both platforms. It's often different business units, with a different set of apps, likely different people and organizational constructs.' The use of multiple clouds is often foisted upon enterprises. Large corporations may opt for a second vendor when their preferred vendor has no.

Typically, however, platform proliferation is driven by lines-of-business that either procured services on their own or were brought under an IT umbrella through mergers and acquisitions. 'By the time these two get to know each other it's too late and they've gone too far down the path to make the change,' said Deepak Mohan, research director at IDC.

An apples-to-apples comparison of market share among the three biggest hyperscale IaaS providers --AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) -- is difficult to surmise because each company breaks out its revenues differently. Microsoft is closing the gap, while GCP saw a significant bump in 2016 as IT shops begin testing the platform, according to 451 Research. But by virtually any metric, AWS continues to lead the market by a sizable margin that is unlikely to close any time soon. Nevertheless, the competition between the big three is not always a fight for the same IT dollars, as each takes a slightly different tact to wooing customers. Amazon, though, continues its stand-alone, all-encompassing approach, while Microsoft has a greater percentage of enterprise accounts as it positions itself to accommodate existing customers' journey from on premises to the cloud. Google, meanwhile, is banking on its heritage, containers and machine learning to get ahead of the next wave of cloud applications. '[IT shops] are not evaluating the three hyperscale guys purely on if AWS is cheaper, or which has the better portal interface or the coolest features because there's parity there,' said Melanie Posey, research vice president at 451.

'It's not a typical horse race story.' The move away from commoditization has also shifted how enterprises prioritize portability. In the past, companies emphasized abstracting workloads to pit vendors against each other and get better deals, but over the past year they have come to prize speed, agility and flexibility over cost, said Kip Compton, vice president of Cisco's cloud platform and services organization. 'We're actually seeing CIOs and customers starting to view these clouds through the lens of, 'I'm going to put the workloads in the environment that's best for that workload' and 'I'm going to worry a lot less about portability and focus on velocity and speed and taking more advantage of a higher- level service that each of these clouds offer.' ' Silos within a multicloud strategy Even as the hyperscale vendors attempt to differentiate, picking and choosing providers for specific needs typically creates complications and leads to a siloed approach, rather than integration across clouds. 'It's more trouble than it's worth if you're going to do it that way,' Posey said.

'What ends up happening is company XYZ is running some kind of database function on AWS, but they're running customer-facing websites on Azure and never the two shall meet.' The idea of multicloud grew conceptually out of the traditional server model where a company would pick between Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) or IBM and build its applications on top, but as the cloud evolved it didn't follow that same path, Mohan said. 'The way clouds were evolving fundamentally differs and there wasn't consistency, so integrating was hard unless you did a substantial amount of investment to do integration,' he said. It is also important to understand what is meant by a 'multicloud' strategy, whether an architecture supports a multicloud strategy or that workloads actually run on multiple clouds. 'There's a difference between being built for the cloud or built to run in the cloud, and it's difficult from a software development perspective to have an architecture that's cloud agnostic and can run in either one,' said Dave Colesante, COO of Alert Logic, a cloud security provider in Houston. Alert Logic is migrating from a mix of managed colocation and AWS to being fully in the cloud as it shifts to a microservices model.

The company offers support for AWS and Azure, but all of the data management ends up back in AWS. The company plans to design components of its SaaS application to provide flexibility and to assuage Microsoft customers that want the back end in Azure, but that creates limitations of what can be done on AWS. 'It's a Catch-22,' Colesante said. 'If you want to leverage the features and functions that Amazon makes available for you, you probably end up in a mode where you're hooked into some of the things.' The two key issues around multicloud center on the control plain and the data plain, IDC's Mohan said. A consistent way to manage, provision and monitor resources across all operational aspects of infrastructure is a challenge that's only exacerbated when enterprises go deeper on one platform than another.

On the data side, the concept of data gravity often discourages moving workloads between clouds because it's free to move data in, but. There are also limitations on the speed and ease by which they can be migrated. Getting the best of both worlds Companies with fewer than 1,000 employees typically adopt a multicloud strategy to save money and to take advantage of new services as they become available, but the rationale changes with larger enterprises, Mohan said.

'As you move up the spectrum, the big reason is to avoid lock-in,' he said. 'We attribute that to the nature of apps that are being run, and that they're probably more business critical IT app run by organizations internally.' The largest organizations, though, seem get the best of both worlds. 'Especially if it's for experimentation with new initiatives, they have much higher tolerance for going deep onto one platform,' Mohan said. 'For bread-and-butter workloads, volatility and jumping around services is not as important.' At the same time, large organizations that prioritize reliability, predictability, uptime and resiliency tend to favor the lowest common denominators of cost savings and commodity products, he said. Motorola Mobility takes an agnostic view of cloud and does in fact look to move workloads among platforms when appropriate.

It has a mix of AWS, GCP and Azure, along with its own OpenStack environment, and the company has put the onus on standardized tooling across platforms. 'If I can build an application at the simplest level of control, I should be able to port that to any cloud environment,' said Richard Rushing, chief information security officer at Motorola Mobility. 'This is kind of where we see cloud going.' Ultimately, a multicloud strategy comes down to IT shops' philosophical view, whether it's another form of a hosted environment, or a place and put databases in order to take advantage of higher-level services, but can lead to lock-in, he added. 'I don't think there's a right way or a wrong way,' Rushing said. 'It depends on what you feel comfortable with.'

Despite that agnostic view, Motorola hasn't completely shied away from services that tether it to a certain provider. 'Sometimes the benefit of the service is greater than [the concern] about what you want to be tied down to,' Rushing said. 'It's one of those things where you have to look at it and say, is this going to wrap me around something that could benefit me, but what else is it going to do?' Experimentation and internal conversations about those tradeoffs can be healthy because it opens an organization to a different way of doing things, but it also forces developers to justify a move that could potentially restrict the company going forward, he added. Cross-cloud not yet reality A wide spectrum of companies has flooded the market to fill these gaps created by multicloud, despite some high-profile failures. Smaller companies, such as RightScale and Datapipe, compete with legacy vendors, such as HPE, IBM and Cisco, and even AWS loyalists like 2nd Watch look to expand their capabilities to other providers.

Other companies, such as NetApp and Informatica, focus on data management across environments. Of course, the ultimate dream for many IT shops is true portability across clouds, or even workloads that span multiple clouds.

It's why organizations abstract their workloads to avoid lock-in. It's also what gave OpenStack so much hype at its inception in 2010, and helped when Docker first emerged in 2013. Some observers see that potential coming to fruition in the next year or two, but for now those examples remain the exception to the rule. What you'd eventually like to get to is data science analytics on platform A, your infrastructure and processing and storage on platform B and something else on platform C, but that's a number of years before that becomes a reality.

Dave Colesante  COO, Alert Logic. The hardest path to span workloads across clouds is through the infrastructure back end, Colesante said. For example, if an AWS customer using DynamoDB, Kinesis or Lambda wants to move to Azure, there are equivalents in Microsoft's cloud. However, the software doesn't transparently allow users to know the key-value store equivalent between the two, which means someone has to rewrite the application for every environment it sits on. Another obstacle is latency and performance, particularly the need for certain pieces of applications to be adjacent.

Cisco has seen a growing interest in this, Compton said, with some banks putting their database in a colocation facility near a major public cloud to resolve the problem. Alert Logic's data science teams are exploring what Google has to offer, but Colesante pumped the brakes on the cross-cloud utopia, noting that most companies are still in of cloud adoption. 'What you'd eventually like to get to is data science analytics on platform A, your infrastructure and processing and storage on platform B and something else on platform C,' he said, 'but that's a number of years before that becomes a reality.'

Trevor Jones is a news writer with SearchCloudComputing and SearchAWS. Next Steps • See what drivers for have changed • Learn to know about multicloud • Reduce risk with. Multifactor authentication combines two or more independent credentials: what the user knows (), what the user has () and what the user is (). The goal of MFA is to create a layered defense and make it more difficult for an unauthorized person to access a target such as a physical location, computing device, network or database.

If one factor is compromised or broken, the attacker still has at least one more barrier to breach before successfully breaking into the target. Typical MFA scenarios include: • Swiping a card and entering a. • Logging into a website and being requested to enter an additional one-time password () that the website's sends to the requester's phone or email address. • Downloading a client with a valid and logging into the VPN before being granted access to a network. • Swiping a card, and answering a security question.

• Attaching a hardware token to a desktop that generates a one-time passcode and using the one-time passcode to log into a VPN client. Background One of the largest problems with traditional user ID and password login is the need to maintain a password database. Whether encrypted or not, if the database is captured it provides an attacker with a source to verify his guesses at speeds limited only by his hardware resources. Given enough time, a captured password database will fall.As processing speeds of have increased, brute force attacks have become a real threat.

Further developments like password cracking and have provided similar advantages for attackers. GPGPU cracking, for example, can produce more than 500,000,000 passwords per second, even on lower end gaming hardware. Depending on the particular software, rainbow tables can be used to crack 14-character alphanumeric passwords in about 160 seconds. Now purpose-built cards, like those used by security agencies, offer ten times that performance at a minuscule fraction of power draw. A password database alone doesn't stand a chance against such methods when it is a real target of interest.In the past, MFA systems typically relied upon.

Increasingly, vendors are using the label 'multifactor' to describe any authentication scheme that requires more than one identity credential. Authentication factors An is a category of credential used for identity verification. For MFA, each additional factor is intended to increase the assurance that an entity involved in some kind of communication or requesting access to some system is who, or what, they are declared to be.

The three most common categories are often described as something you know (the ), something you have (the ) and something you are (the ). Knowledge factors – information that a user must be able to provide in order to log in. User names or IDs,, and the answers to secret questions all fall under this category. See also: knowledge-based authentication () Possession factors - anything a user must have in their possession in order to log in, such as a, a one-time password () token, a, an employee ID card or a phone’s.

For mobile authentication, a often provides the possession factor, in conjunction with an OTP app. Inherence factors - any biological traits the user has that are confirmed for login. This category includes the scope of methods such as,,,,, hand geometry, even earlobe geometry.

Location factors – the user’s current location is often suggested as a fourth factor for authentication. Again, the ubiquity of smartphones can help ease the authentication burden here: Users typically carry their phones and most smartphones have a GPS device, enabling reasonable surety confirmation of the login location. Time factors – Current time is also sometimes considered a fourth factor for authentication or alternatively a fifth factor. Verification of employee IDs against work schedules could prevent some kinds of user account hijacking attacks. A bank customer can't physically use their ATM card in America, for example, and then in Russia 15 minutes later. These kinds of logical locks could prevent many cases of online bank fraud. Multifactor authentication technologies:: Small hardware devices that the owner carries to authorize access to a network service.

The device may be in the form of a or may be embedded in an easily-carried object such as a or USB drive. Hardware tokens provide the possession factor for multifactor authentication. Software-based tokens are becoming more common than hardware devices. Software-based security token applications that generate a single-use login PIN. Soft tokens are often used for multifactor mobile authentication, in which the device itself – such as a smartphone – provides the possession factor.: Variations include: SMS messages and phone calls sent to a user as an method, smartphone OTP apps, SIM cards and smartcards with stored authentication data.

Such as,,,,, hand geometry and even earlobe geometry. Smartphones can also provide location as an authentication factor with this on board hardware.

Employee ID and customer cards, including magnetic strip and smartcards. The past, present and future of multifactor authentication In the United States, interest in multifactor authentication has been driven by regulations such as the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council () directive calling for multifactor authentication for Internet banking transactions. MFA products include EMC RSA Authentication Manager and RSA SecurID, Symantec Validation and ID Protection Service, CA Strong Authentication, Vasco IDENTIKEY Server and DIGIPASS, SecureAuth IdP, Dell Defender, SafeNet Authentication Service and Okta Verify. Next Steps Learn more about the in the enterprise and read this.When it comes to, it's important to determine which deployment methods and second factors will best suit your organization. This Photo Story outlines your options. Continue Reading About multifactor authentication (MFA) • • • • •. • - The newton-second is the standard unit of impulse.

• - N+1, also called parallel redundancy, is a safeguard to ensure. • - An n-tier application program is one that is distributed among th. • - A newbie (pronounced NOO-bee) is a novice or neophyte: anyone who is. • - N1 is Sun Microsystems' strategy for making a network environment as easy. • - N_Port ID virtualization (NPI. • - N_Port ID virtu.

• - Network access control (NAC), also called network admission control, is. • - The National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) is a not. • - Nagios is an open source applcation that monitors a computer netw.

• - Named for its creator, John Nagle, the Nagl. • - Named for its creator, John Nagle, the Nagle algorithm is used. • - On the Web, nagware (sometimes called 'annoyware') is programmi. • - On the Web, nagware (sometimes called '.

• - The National Alliance for Health Information Technology, or NAHIT. • - NAK is an abbreviation for negative acknowledgment or not acknowledged.

• • - A named entity is a term or phrase that identifies an. • - In computer programming, a named pipe is a method for pas. • - In general, a namespace uniquely identifies a set of names. • - A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit. • - NAND flash memory is a type of non-volatile. • - NAND flash wear-out is the erosion of a. • - A nanomachine, also called a nanite, is a mechanical or electrome.

• - Nano is a prefix meaning 'extremely small.' • - A nano-emissive display (NED) is a. • - A nano-emissive display (NED) is a. • - A nano-emissive display.

• - Nano-storage is a nanotechnology approach to storage. • - Nanoanalysis refers to techniques for determining the. • - Nanobiomechanics, also called nanoscale biome.

• • - A nanochip is an integrated circuit (IC) that is so small, in. • - A nanocomputer is a computer whose physical dimension. • - A nanocrystal is a crystalline particle with at least o.

• - Nanofabrication is the design and manufacture o. • - A nanogenerator is a nanoscale (extremely small) de. • - Nanolithography is the art and science of etchi. • - A nanomachine, also called a nanite, is a mechanical. • - A nanomachine, also called a nanite. • - The nanoManipulator is a specialized nanorobot.

• - Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology (th. • - A nanometer is a unit of spatial measurement that is 10-9 m. • - Nanopaint is a coating that can modify the properties of a.

• - Nanopaper is a 3D rendering of thermally stable nanomateria. • - A nanorobot is a tiny machine designed to perform a specifi. • - A miniaturized satellite is an earth-orbiting devic. • - Nanobiomechanics, also called nan. • - Nanoscale technology is a branch of n. • - (This definition follows U.S. Usage in which a billion is.

• - (This definition follows U.S. • - Nano-storage is a nanotechnology approach to storage th. • - Nanotechnology, or, as it is sometimes called, mo. • • - A nanotransistor is a transistor - the component. • - In nanotechnology or the building of extremely small machines.

• - In nanotechnology or the building o. • - A nanotube antenna is a device consisting of. • - A nanowire is an extremely thin wire with a diameter on the o. • - Project Nao, also called the Nao Project, is an ongoing. • - In the United States, a network access point (NAP) is one of several ma. • - Network access protection (NAP), introduced with Windows Server 2008, i.

• - Napster is a controversial application that allows people to sh. • - Generally, narrowband describes telecommunication that ca.

• - Slivercasing, or narrowcasting, is the transmission. • - A network access server (NAS) is a computer server that enables an inde.

• - Network-attached storage (NAS) is a dedicated hard disk storage device. • - A NAS accelerator (network-attached storage acc. • - A NAS accelerator (network-attached storage a. • - NAS appliances are commodity hardware that includes. • • • • - The NASDAQ is the largest electronic securities exchange in the U.

• - The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NA. • • - NAT (Network Address Translation or Network Address Translator) is the.

• - NAT64 is a proposed mechanism for translating IPv6 packets to IPv4. • • • • • • • - In the U.K., National Call Fe. • - In the U.K., Na. • • • - The Nationa.

• • • - National eGovernance Plan (. • - National eGov. • • • • • • • • - The national file t. • • • - The National Health Service (NH. • - The National Health.

• - A national identity card is a portable docume. • - A national identity card is a por. • - The Nationa. • • - The National Instit.

• - The National Library. • - The Natio. • - The Natio. • • • - A national provider i. • - A nationa. • - The National Quality Forum (NQF). • - The National Quality.

• - The National Security Agency. • - The National Secu.

• • • • • • • - The. • • - In computer systems, native means 'original' or 'basic. • - A native application (native app) is an application progr. • - A native application (native app) is an application progr. • - A native application (native app) is an a. • - A native cloud application (N. • - A native cloud ap.

• - Native code is computer programming (code) that is comp. • - COTS, MOTS, GOTS, and NOTS are abbreviati. • - In computing, natural language refers to a hu. • - Natural language proces.

• - Natural lan. • - A natural number is a number that occurs commonly. • - A natural user interface (NUI) is. • - A natural user interf. • - Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) is the.

• - Network behavior analysis (NBA) is a method of enhancing the security o. • - Network behavior anomaly detection (NBAD) is the continuous monitorin. • - Network Based Application Recognition (NBAR) is a mechanism that clas.

• • - NBMA (non-broadcast multiple access) is one of four network types in. • - A network computer (NC) is a concept from Oracle and Sun Microsystems tha.

• - A native cloud application (NCA) is a program that is specifically desi. • - In the U.K., National Call Fee Access (NCFA) is a Number Translation. • - Network configuration management is the process of organizing and maint. • - NCSA at the University of Illinois in Urbana, Illinois is the home of. • - The National Computer Security Center (NCSC) is a U.S.

Government org. • - The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) is an. • - A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a signed formal agreement in which. • - NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification) is a Windows specificat.

• • - NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) is an open protocol used to c. • • - Novell Directory Services (NDS) is a popular software product for manag.

• - Near-continuous data protection, sometimes called near-contin. • - Near-continuous. • • - Also see NeXT, a computer company that de. • - Near Field Communication (NFC. • - Near Field Commun. • - Near-continuous. • • - Also see NeXT, a computer company that de.

• - Also see NeXT, a computer c. • - Near-infrared illuminatio. • - Near-line storage is the on-site storage of. • - Nearshore outsourcing is the practi.

• - Nebula is an open source cloud computing program that provides on. • - The National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) is a strategic plan. • - A nano-emissive display (NED) is a high-resolution, full-color, lightwe. • - The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) is a se. • - NAK is an abbreviation for ne. • - A negative correlation is a relations.

• - A negawatt is a negative megawatt: a megawatt of power saved. • - National eGovernance Plan (NeGP) is an initiative by the government o. • - A nematic liquid crystal is a tra. • - A Luddite is a person who dislikes technology, especial. • - A neologism (pronounced nee-AH-low-djism) is a newly invent. • - NEOSSat (Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite) is a satelli.

• • - North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) is an institut. • • - A nerd is a technically bright but socially inept person.

• - Nessus is an open-source network vulnerability scanner that uses. • - In general, something that is nested is fully contained within so. • - 'net' is a top-level domain name. • -.NET 3.0 is the specification for Microsoft's new suite of mana.

• - An Internet appliance (sometimes called a Net appli. • - Netfilter is a utility in Linux 2.4 (and later releases). • - An Internet refrigerator (sometimes called a Net fridge). • - Ni2 (Net indexer 2) is the indexer for the AltaVist. • - Net metering is a utility resource usage and payment. • - Net neutrality is the principle that data on the. • - Net present value (NPV), also called net pr.

• - Net present value (NPV), also c. • - A net-zero energy (NZE) build. • - NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface) is a new, extended ve. • • - NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System) is a program that a. • • - NetBEUI (NetBIO. • - A netbook is a small, light, low-power notebook computer that h. • - Netcaster, a component of Netscape's Communicator (which in.

• - NETCONF is an IETF network management protocol that provides an. • - Netfilter is a utility in Linux 2.4 (and later releases) th. • - Netfilter is a utility in Linux 2.4 (and. • - IBM's Netfinity is an Intel-based enterprise server line th. • - NetFlow is a network protocol developed by Cisc. • - Netiquette is etiquette on the Internet.

• - The word netizen seems to have two similar meanings. • - NetMagic Solutions is an India-based IT h. • - In administering Internet sites, a netmask is a string of 0's a. • - The Net PC (also referred to as the Network PC) is an industry spec.

• - The Net PC (also referred to as the Netwo. • - NetRexx, a programming language designed to be easier to learn. • - Netroots is a term describing populist campaigns and movement. • - Citrix NetScaler SDX is a service delivery netw. • - Netscape Communications was a computer services company best. • • • - In using an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network, a netsplit is.

• - Netstat is a common command line TCP/IP networking utility avai. • - A nettop is a small, low-power and relatively inexpensive desktop.

• - NetWare, made by Novell, is a widely-installed network server o. • - NetWeaver is an application builder from SAP for integratin. • - In information technology, a network is a series of points or n. • - Network access control (NAC), als. • - Network access contro. • - In the United States, a network acces. • - In the United States, a n.

• - A network access server (NAS) is a. • - A network access server. • - NAT (Network Address Tr. • - NAT (Networ. • - A network analyzer is a combination of hardwa. • • - An appliance or 'network appliance' is a te. • - Network-attached storage (NAS.

• - NetBIOS (Ne. • - NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Ou. • - Network behavior analysis (. • - Network behavio.

• - Network b. • • - (From the Computer Technica. • - Network coding is a method of optimizing the flow. • - A network computer (NC) is a concept from Ora. • - A network computer (NC) is a concep. • - Network confi. • • - Network convergence is the efficient co.

• - NDMP (Network. • - A network t. • - A network disaste. • - A network drive is a storage device on a local acce. • • - Network encryption (sometimes called netw.

• • - A network engineer is a technology profession. • - Network fabric is an industry term that describes. • - Switching fabric is the combination of. • - Switching fabric is the com. • - Network forensics is the capture, recording.

• • - A NIC (Netw. • - NIS (Network Information. • - Network Intelligence (NI) i.

• - Network Intelligence Indi. • - Network I. • • - A network interface card (NIC) is. • - A network interface c. • - A network interface unit (NIU. • - A network interface unit (NIU) (s. • • - Host intr.

• • - Network Job Entry (NJE) is an application d. • - Network Job Entry (NJE) is an a.

• - In the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communica. • - Network encryption (sometimes called network layer. • - Network encryption (sometimes. • - Load balancing is dividing the am. • - This is a WhatIs.

• - A network management system. • - Net neutrality is the principle that data.

• - NNTP (Network New. • - The Network Node Manager (NNM) is a p. • - The Network Node Manager. • - A network operating system (N. • - A network operati.

• - A network operations center. • - A network opera.

• - Big-endian and little-endian are terms that describ. • - The Net PC (also referred to as the Network PC) is an ind. • - A network PC (sometimes called an appliance) is a term us. • - A network PC (sometimes called an. • - A network perimeter is the boundary between.

• - Network scanning is a procedure for identifyi. • - The Network Service A. • - A network service provider (N.

• - A network service. • - Using the Integrated Services. • - Using the Integrated Services Digital. • - Using the Integrated Serv. • - Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a pr. • - Network Time Protocol (. • - In communication networks, a topology is a us.

• - A network tracking tool, also calle. • • - Unified storage (sometimes term. • - Network virtualization is a metho. • - Network-as-a-Service (N.

• - Network-attached storage (NAS. • - Network-attached. • - In information technology, networking is the construction. • - We've gathered our cheat sheets. • - A networking chip is a microprocessor that prov.

• - We've gathered a collecti. • - We've gathered a collection of our quizze. • - Networx is a U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) purchas.

• - Netzip is a plug-in for Web browsers that allows you to view the. • - In information technology, a neural network is a. • - Neuromarketing is the study of how people's brain. • - A neutrino is a sub atom ic particle with no electric charge. • - A neutron is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of every. • - New media is a catch-all term for all forms of electronic c.

• - Product development is a broad. • - A newbie (pronounced NOO-bee) is a novice or neophyte: anyone who is. • - A newbie (pronounced NOO-bee) is a novice or neophyte: anyone who. • - NAT (Network Address Transl. • - A newsgroup is a discussion about a particular subject cons. • - Based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML), NewsML is a standa. • - XMLNews is a set of specifications for exchanging news objects.

• - The newton is the Standard International (SI) unit of force. • - The newton-second is the standard unit of impulse. • - The newton-second is the standard unit of impulse. • - The newton-second is the standard unit. • - NeXT was a computer company formed by Steven Jobs.

• - Also see NeXT, a computer company that developed a personal computer. • - NeXT was a computer produced by a company formed. • • - In a computer network. • - NSIS (Next Steps in Signaling).

• - NSIS (Next Steps. • - Nexus is a series of smartphones and tablets manufactured by Google. • - The Cisco Nexus. • - The Nexus 7 is a tablet PC developed jointly by Google and Asus. • - An infinite sequence is a list or string of discrete objects, usually.

• - Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless connectivity s. • - Not for resale (NFR) is a designation for products that vendors give to. • - Switching fabric is the combination of hardware and software that moves. • - The national file tracking system (NFTS) is a centralized database fo. • - A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a citizen-based association th. • - The Next Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB) is a part of the. • - The National Health Information Infrastructure (NHII) was a governmen.

• - The Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) is a set of standard. • - NHIN Direct is a project being developed by the Nationw.

• - In a computer network, the Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) is a p. • - The National Health Service (NHS) is the publicly funded national healt. • - The Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery is a type of battery commonly us. • - The Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery is a type of bat. • - The Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) battery is a rechargeable power so. • - The Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) battery is a recha. • - Ni2 (Net indexer 2) is the indexer for the AltaVista public search engine.

• - Ni2 (Net indexer 2) is the indexer for. • - In computers and digital technology, a nibble (pronounced NIHB-uh. • - A quadbit, sometimes called a nibble, is one of 16 possible four. • - A network interface card (NIC) is a computer circuit board or card that. • - A NIC (Network Information Center) handle is an alphanume. • • - The Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery is a type of battery commonly used.

• - COTS, MOTS, GOTS, and NOTS are abbrevia. • - Nicira is a network virtualization and SDN (software-de. • • - The Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) batter. • • - The Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) batt. • - The Nickel-Metal Hydr. • • - Host intrusion detection systems (HIDS) and network intrusion detecti.

• - The S&P CNX Nifty (also known as NSE Nifty. • - Night vision is technology that provides users with s. • - The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the principal federal agency.

• - Network Intelligence India Pvt. (NII Consult. • - Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American scientist, electr. • - In general use, nil (a contraction of Latin 'nihil') means 'nothing'. • - First appearing on September 18, 2001, Nimda is a computer virus th.

• - The Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) battery is a rechargeable power sour. • - Ning iNing is an web-based social network platform that allows an org. • - A network intrusion protection system (NIPS) is an umbrella term for.

• - NIS (Network Information System) is a network naming and administration. • - NIS (Network. • - NIS (Network Information System) is a network naming and administrati. • - NIST is the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a unit of. • • - The NIST 800 Series is a set of documents that. • - An atomic clock is the most accurate type of timepiece in the w.

• - An atomic clock is the most accurate type of timepiece in the w. • - In information technology as elsewhere, a nit (pronounced NIHT) is a sm. • - A network interface unit (NIU) (sometimes called a network interface de. • - Network Job Entry (NJE) is an application designed for the transfer of. • - Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) is the United States Navy intranet. • - The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is located on the campus of the. • - Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer to under.

• - NLX is an industry-wide open specification for a space-saving computer. • - The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a research-and developm.

• - The Network Node Manager (NNM) is a program that helps a network admini. • - NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) is the predominant protocol use.

• - A no op (or no-op), for no operation, is a computer instruction tha. • - A no op (or no-op), for no operation. • - A no op (or no-op), for no operation, is a computer i. • - NO2ID is a grass-roots campaign in the. • - A no-swipe credit card is a credit ca. • - NO2ID is a grass-roots campaign in the UK that developed in opposit. • - NO2ID is a grass-roots.

• - NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) is an emergency. • - NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) is a. • - A network operations center (NOC) is a place from which administrators. • - In a network, a node is a connection point, either a redistribution p. • - Node.js, often called simply 'Node' in conversation, is a devel. • - Noise is unwanted electrical or electromagnetic energy that degrade.

• - Noisy data is meaningless data. The term was often used a. • - Noisy text is an electronically-stored communication that. • - Nokia Lumia is a series of touch-based Windows Phone 7. • - Nomadic computing, another name for mobile. • - Nomadicity is the tendency of a person, or group of peopl.

• - NBMA (non-broadcast. • - A non-disclosure agreement (N. • - A non-governmental. • - Coldset Web offset printing (also known as non-heatset). • - NRZ (non-return-to-zero) refers to a form.

• - NUMA (non-uniform memory ac. • - The non-breaking space is a special chara. • - NBMA (non-broadcast. • - A non-disclosure agreement (N.

• - A non-disclosure. • - A non-geographic number, also calle. • - A non-governmental. • - Coldset Web offset printing (also known as non-heatset). • - Test yourself.

A tech vocabulary quiz - printe. • - A non-interlaced display is a cat. • - Nonrepudiation is the assurance that someone ca. • - NRZ (non-return-to-zero) refers to a form. • - NUMA (non-uniform memory ac. • - Non-virtual hosting is offering to host. • - Also see our Fast Guide to RAM.

• - A nonce, in information technology, is a number generated for a spe. • • - Nonlinearity is the behavior of a circuit, particular. • - A non-persistent desktop is a virtu. • - Nonrepudiation is the assurance that someone cann.

• - NURBS (nonuniform rat. • - NURBS (nonuniform rat. • - Also see our Fast Guide to RAM. • - Also see our Fast Guide to RAM.

Nonvolatile (so. • - Also see our Fast Guide to RAM. • - Also see our Fast Guide to.

• - A newbie (pronounced NOO-bee) is a novice or neophyte: anyone who is. • - NoOps (no operations) is the concept that an IT environment can bec. • - A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit. • - NOR flash memory is a type of non-volatile st. • - NORAD Santa Tracker is a public service. • - A norm (from norma, Latin for carpenter's square) is a model of what.

• - In creating a database, normalization is the process. • - In creating a database, normalization is the proces. • - In general, normative - pertaining to a norm - has two rela. • • • - Northbridge is an Intel chipset that communicates with.

• - Northwood is the code name for the latest version of Intel'. • - A network operating system (NOS) is a computer operating system system.

• - NoSQL database, also called Not Only SQL, is an approach to data ma. • - NoSQL database, also called Not Only. • - A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit. • - NAK is an abbreviation for negative acknowled. • - The element-of symbol is used in ma. • - Not for resale (NFR) is a designation for product. • - Not for resale (NFR) is a designation.

• - NoSQL database, also called Not Only SQL, is an appro. • - A notebook computer is a battery- or AC-pow. • - Notes is a sophisticated groupware application from the Lotus Corpo. • - COTS, MOTS, GOTS, and NOTS are abbreviations that describe pre-packag.

• - Novell Directory Services (. • - Novell Director. • - NOX is an open source development platform for C++-based software-defin.

• - Product development is a broad field of endeavor dealing with the desig. • - A national provider identifier (NPI) is a unique ten-digit identificati. • - N_Port ID virtualization (NPIV) is a technology that allows a single. • - Net present value (NPV), also called net present worth (NPW), is an app. • - The National Quality Forum (NQF) is a nonprofit organization based in W. • - nroff and troff are UNIX commands (and the utilities that support t. • - NRZ (non-return-to-zero) refers to a form of digital data transmission.

• - NRZ (non-return-to-zero) refe. • - (This definition follows U.S. Usage in which a billion is a thousand mill. • - The National Security Agency (NSA) is the official U.S. Cryptologic (th. • - The Network Service Access Point (NSAP) is one of two types of hierar. • - NSAPI (Netscape Server Application Programming Interface) is an (ap.

• - National eGovernance Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG) is a mission mod. • - (This definition follows U.S.

Usage in which a billion is a thousand. • - NSFNET was a network for research computing deployed in the mid-1. • - NSIS (Next Steps in Signaling) is an evolving communication protocol. • - nslookup is the name of a program that lets an Internet serve.

• - A network service provider (NSP) is a company that provides backbone se. • - Windows NT is a Microsoft Windows personal computer operating system desi. • - NTFS (NT file system; sometimes New Technology Fi. • • - Using the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Basic Rate Interch. • - Ntdsutil.exe is a command-line tool for accessing and managin.

• - NTFS (NT file system; sometimes New Technology File System) is the fi. • • - Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol that is used to synchronize c. • - In the U.K., Number Translation Service (NTS) is the service of routing. • - The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) was responsible fo. • - DoCoMo, also known as NTT DoCoMo, is a Japanese communica. • - The nuclear time unit (NTU) is the length of time it takes for a ray of. • - Nuclear fusion is an atomic reaction in which mul.

• - The nuclear time unit (NTU) is the length o. • - The nuclear time unit (NTU) is.

• - A natural user interface (NUI) is a system for human-computer interacti. • - A 'blue bomb' (also known as 'WinNuke') is a technique for causin. • - A null modem cable allows you to connect your PC to anoth. • - In mathematical sets, the null set, also called the empty set. • - NUMA (non-uniform memory access) is a method of configuring a cluster.

• - NUMA (non-uni. • - A nonce, in information technology, is a number generat. • - Wireless number portability is the abilit. • - Number theory, also known as higher arithmetic, is. • - Number theo.

• - In the U.K., Number Trans. • - In the U.K. • - A nonce, in information technology, is a numb. • - A port number is a way to identify a specific process to which.

• - A floating point unit (FPU), also known. • - NUnit is an evolving, open source framework designed for writing an.

• - NURBS (nonuniform rational B-splines) are mathematical representati. • - Unified storage (sometimes termed network unified storage or NUS) is a. • • - The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) is. • - Also see our Fast Guide to RAM. Nonvolatile (sometimes written as '. • - Also see our Fast Guide to RAM. Nonvolatile (sometimes written as 'non.

• - NWay is a telecommunications protocol used with Ethernet networking d. • - NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) is an emergency broadcasting system operated b.

• - NX-OS evolved from the Cisco MDS operating system, SAN-OS. • - A nym (pronounced NIHM and a shortened form of 'pseudonym,') is a name. • - The Nyquist Theorem, also known as the sampling. • - The newton-second is the standard unit of impulse. Network Flow and Application Performance: How should network flow inform VM placement? Network-heavy, scale-out workloads place considerable stress on today's rapidly growing virtualized and cloud datacenters.

Non-delimiting network components, as well as emerging software-defined networking (SDN) technologies aim to mitigate the potential bottlenecks that can precipitate at the network layer in such environments, as well as simplify network design. However, there remain significant challenges, as well as optimization opportunities, at the network layer. This whitepaper examines the latency-inducing pitfalls of common VM placement tactics, as well as a network flow approach that minimizes network, compute, and storage latency all at once. Please read the attached whitepaper. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Posted by Network functions virtualization (NFV) is an initiative to virtualize network functions previously carried out by dedicated hardware. Network functions virtualization (NFV) is an initiative to the network services that are now being carried out by, dedicated hardware. If successful, NFV will decrease the amount of proprietary hardware that's needed to launch and operate network services.

The goal of NFV is to network functions from dedicated hardware devices and allow network services that are now being carried out by,, and other dedicated hardware devices to be hosted on virtual machines (). Once the network functions are under the control of a, the services that once require dedicated hardware can be performed on standard x86 servers.

This capability is important because it means that network administrators will no longer need to purchase dedicated hardware devices in order to build a service chain. Because server capacity will be able to be added through software, there will be no need for network administrators to overprovision their data centers which will reduce both capital expenses () and operating expenses (). If an application running on a VM required more bandwidth, for example, the administrator could move the VM to another physical server or provision another virtual machine on the original server to take part of the load. Having this flexibility will allow an IT department to respond in a more agile manner to changing business goals and network service demands.

The NFV concept, which was presented by a group of at the Software Defined Network () and World Congress in October 2012, is being developed by the ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) for Network Functions Virtualization. Continue Reading About network functions virtualization (NFV) • • • • •. Terms related to networking and communications, including definitions about network protocols and words and phrases about data transmission.

Source: • - In designing and assessing netw. • - In designing and assessing netw. • • - 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100GbE) is a st. • - 100 Gigabit Etherne. • - 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100GbE) is a standard in development that w. • - 10BASE-2, one of several physical media specified by IEEE 802. • - 10BASE-36 is a type of physical cabling defined in the IEEE.

• - 10BASE-5, one of several physical media specified by IEEE 802. • - 10BASE-F, one of several physical media specified by IEEE 802. • - 10BASE-T, one of several physical media specified in the IEEE. • - 10BASE-2, one of several physical media specified by IEEE 802.3. • - 10BASE-36 is a type of physical cabling defined in the IEEE 8. • - 10BASE-5, one of several physical media specified by IEEE 802.3.

• - 10BASE-F, one of several physical media specified by IEEE 802.3. • - 10BASE-T, one of several physical media specified in the IEEE 8. • - In designing and assessing networks, the peak. • - 2600 is the frequency in hertz (cycles per second) that AT&T formerly. • - 6to4 is a tunneling mechanism used to transfer IPv6 (Internet Protoco. • - The 802.11h specification is an addition to the 802.11 family o. • - 802.11s is a proposed amendment to the 802.11 wireless networki.

• - 802.3 is a standard specification for Ethernet, a method of physica. • - An AAAA resource record is a record t. • - Access is simply being able to get to what you need. • - Access point base station i. • - Addressability is the capacity for an entity to b. • - An alternate data stream (ADS) is a feature of Windows New Technology F. • - Also see Fast Guide to DSL.

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line). • • - The Advanced Intellig. • - The Advan. • - The Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) is a telephone network architect.

• - Aloha, also called the Aloha method, refers toa simple communicatio. • - Aloha, also called the Aloha method. • - Aloha, also called the Aloha method, refers toa simpl.

• - An alternate data stream (ADS) is a. • - An alternate data strea. • - Silk is the browser that Amazon developed for the Kindl. • - Anonymous is a loosely organized hacktivist collective crea. • - Application awareness is the capaci.

• • - Application-defin. • - An advanced RISC machine (ARM) server is an enterprise-cl. • - Average revenue per user or average revenue per unit (ARPU) is an exp. • - Also see. • - Also see Fast Guide to DSL. ADSL (Asymmetric Digi. • - The AUI (attachment unit in.

• - The AUI (attachment unit interface) is the 15-pin physical connector in. • - The AUI (attach.

• - Average revenue per user or a. • - Average revenue per user or a. • • - Beamforming is a type of RF (radio frequency) managemen. • - Big Switch Networks is a network virtua. • - The word (also used as a prefix or suffix) bis, applied to some modem p. • - Blue Cloud is an approach to shared infrastructure develo.

• - Broadband over Power Line (BPL) is a technology that allows Internet da. • - Broadband over Power Line (. • - Broadband over.

• - Broadband over Power Line (BP. • • • - In networking, a greenfield deploym. • - The Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) is an initiativ. • - Communications as a Service (CaaS) is an outsourced enterprise commun. • - A cable head-end (or headend) is the facility.

• - A cable modem ter. • - Cable TV is also known as 'CATV' (community antenna television). • • - Now known as. • - A campus network is a proprietary local area netw. • - A canonical name is the properly denoted host nam.

• - Carrierless amplitude/phase (CAP) modulation was the original approach. • - Carrier detect (see modem lights) is a control si. • - Carrier Ethernet is the use of high-bandwidth. • - A carrier network is the proprietary network in. • - A carrier signal is a transmitted electromagnetic. • - Carrierless amplitude/p.

• • - Carrierless amplitude/p. • - Carrierless. • - Cable TV is also known as 'CATV' (community antenna television). • - CATV (originally 'community antenna television,' now often 'community. • - CATV (ori. • - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) is what Cisco describes as.

• - Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code P. • • - Cisco Certified Network Associaten (CCNA) is an entry-level certifica. • - Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) is an intermediate-level. • - For a local area network (LAN), CDDI (Copper Distributed Data Interfa.

• • - Also see our Fast guide to DSL. CDSL (Consumer Digital Subscriber Lin. • • - Communications-enabled business processes (CEBP) is the integration o. • • • - Integrated T1 (also called channelized T is a d.

• - Integrated T1 (also called channelized T is a dig. • - CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol) is a more secure p. • • - A chatty protocol is an application or routing. • - A checkpoint, in a virtualization context, is a snapshot. • - Chrome Remote Desktop is an extensi. • - Churn rate is a measure of customer or employee attrition.

• • - Cisco Borderless Networks i. • • - Cisco Certi. • • - In the United States, a CLEC (competitive local exchange carrier) is. • • - Click-to-call (CTC), also called click-for-talk, is. • - Click-to-call (CTC), also called click-for-talk. • - Click-to-call (CTC), also called click-for-talk, is. • - Click-to-call (CTC), also called click-for-talk, is.

• - Click-to-call (CTC), also called click. • - A client-server network is a commun. • - A cloud service has three distinct characterist. • - Test yourself. Test yourself. • - A cloud storage API is an application progr.

• - A cloud storage gateway is a hardwa. • - A cloud-ori. • - A cable modem termination system (CMTS) is a component that exchanges. • - A converged network adapter (CNA) is a single network interface card (N.

• - A CNAME specifies an alias or nickname for a canonical name record. • - A comfort noise generator (CNG) is a program used to generate backgroun. • - A comfort noise generator (CNG). • - A comfort noise gen. • - A communication portal is a service t. • - Communications as a Ser. • - Communica.

• • • • - CATV (originally 'commu. • - Cable TV is also know. • - In the Un. • - Also see our. • - Also see our Fast guide to DSL. CDSL (Consumer Digita.

• - The control plane is the part of a networ. • - A converged network adapter.

• - A converged net. • - For a local. • - Private cloud (also called internal cloud) is a. • • - A CPE device is telecommunications hardware located at th. • - CrackBerry is a nickname for the BlackBerry handheld device. • - Click-to-call (CTC), also called click-for-talk, is a technology that c. • - A darknet is a routed allocation of IP address space that is no.

• - We've gathered a collec. • - The Data-Link Layer is the protocol layer in a. • • - Now known a. • - The data plane (sometimes known as the user pla. • - Deep packet inspection (DPI) is a. • - Deep packet inspectio. • - Desktop virtualization is the con.

• - DTTV (digital ter. • • - Direct sequence. • • - A directional antenna is a radio-freque. • - Discrete event.

• - Discrete multitone (DMT) is a method of s. • - Discrete multitone (DMT) is a.

• - What is a disposable email?Disposable email i. • • - Discrete multitone (DMT) is a method of separating a Digital Subscriber. • - A dynamic multipoint virtual private network (DMVPN) is a secure ne. • - DNS redirection is the controversial practice o.

• - DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC. • - DNS Security. • - DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) are a set of Internet Engineerin. • - Now known as CableLabs Certified Cable Modems, DOCSIS (Data Over. • • - This term should not be confused with downlink. • - Deep packet inspection (DPI) is an advanced method of packet filtering.

• - Direct sequence spread spectrum, also known as direct sequence. • - This is glossary of DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) t. • - Direct sequence spread spectrum, also known as direct sequence code d.

• - DTTV (digital terrestrial television, sometimes also abbreviated DTT). • - A dynamic multipoint virtual priv. • - A dynamic multipo. • - The Electronic. • - The Electronic. • - E.164 is an international numbering plan for public telephone syste.

• - Ethernet as a service (EaaS) is the use of high-bandwidth, fiber opti. • - Eavesdropping is the unauthorized real-time interce.

• - EBIF (Enhanced TV Binary Interchange Format) is a collection of signa. • • - An electric grid is a network of synchronized power. • - Enterprise-mobile integration (EMI) is a form of fixed-mobile convergen. • - Load testing is the process of subjecting a. • - Enterprise-mobile i. • - An enterprise WAN is a corporate network that con.

• - Enterprise-mobile i. • - Ethernet point-of-presence (EPOP) is a technology developed by Level. • - The Electronic Prescribing (eRx) In. • - Event stream processing (ESP) is a software capacity designed to suppor. • - EtherExpress is a technology from Intel that is used. • - EtherLoop, sometimes called next generation DSL or second g. • - Ethernet as a service (EaaS) is the.

• - Ethernet as a service. • - After you've finished, you can test your kn. • - Ethernet point-of-presenc. • - Ethernet point-of-presenc. • - Ethernet po.

• - An event, in a computing context, is any identifiable occurrence th. • - Event forwarding is the transmission of infor. • - Event handling is the receipt of an event at some.

• - Event stream processing (ESP) i. • - Event stream proces.

• • - Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP or FC/IP, also known as Fibre Channel t. • - Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP or FC/IP, also known as Fibre Channel t. • - Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP or FC/IP, also known as Fibre Channel tun. • - FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet) is a storage protocol that enable. • - FCoE (Fib.

• - FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) is a set of ANSI and ISO stan. • • - A femtocell is a wireless router that acts as an Internet a. • - FDDI (Fiber D. • - Fiber to the x (FTTx) is a collective term for va. • - Fiber to the x (FTTx) is a collecti. • - FCoE (Fibre Channel ove.

• - Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP or FC/I. • - Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP. • - Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP. • - A fixed-length subnet mask (F. • - A fixed-length subnet mask (F. • - A fixed-length.

• - Floodlight is a Java-based OpenFlow controller. • - Flow routing is a network routing technology that tak. • - FlowVisor is an experimental software-defined networking co. • - A fixed-length subnet mask (FLSM) is a sequence of numbers of unchang. • - Forensic, in a general sense, means 'related to or used in co.

• - A fractional T1 or T3 line is a T1 or T3 digital. • - A fractional T1 or T3 line is a T1 or T3 digital ph. • - A FRAD (frame relay access device; also sometimes referred to as a fr. • • - A FRAD (frame relay access device. • - A FRAD (frame relay access device. • - Free-space optics (FSO), also called free-s. • - Free-space optics (FSO), also called free-s.

• - Free-space optics (FSO), also c. • - Free-space optics (FSO), also called. • - Free-space optics (FSO), also called free-space photonics (FSP), refers. • - Fiber to the x (FTTx) is a collective term for various optical fiber.

• - For more information, see Digital Subscriber Line. • - A gigabit interface converter (GBIC) is a transceiver that converts e. • - A gigabit interface con. • - A gigabit.

• - For more information, see Digital Subscriber Line. • - Green networking is the practice of selecting.

• - In networking, a greenfield deploym. • - A GUID (global unique identifier) is a term used by Microsoft for a n. • - A GUID (global. • - In general telecommunication, hairpinning is returning a messag. • - In general telecommunication, hairpinning is returning. • - Hayes command set is a specific programming. • - Also see our Fast guide to DSL.

HDSL (High bit-rate Digital Subscribe. • • - A cable head-end (or headend) is the facility at a local cabl. • - A cable head-end (or headend) is the facility at a local cable. • - Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMI.

• - Hierarchica. • - Also see our Fast guide to DSL.

• - High-Speed Serial Inter. • - High-Speed Serial Inter. • - High-Spee. • - Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) is the proposed enhancement of. • - Holographic telepresence is a. • - Hop off is a term used in telecommunications that refers to a p.

• - Hop off is a term used in telecommunications that refers to a poi. • - High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) is a short-distance communications. • - A hybrid SDN (software-defined network) is a network wher.

• - Hyperconnectivity is a state of unified com. • - The I2C (Inter-IC) bus is a bi-directional two-wire serial bus. • - The I2C (Inter-IC) bus is a bi-di.

• - IAX (Inter-Asterisk Exchange Protocol, pronounced 'eeks') is a communic. • • - IDSL is a system in which digital data is transmitted at 128 Kbps on. • - Inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) is a method of optimizing the data.

• - IMS (Information Management System) is a database and transaction manag. • - The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a concept for an integrated networ. • - An initialization vector (IV) is an. • - An initialization vector. • - Integrated T1 (also called channelized T is a dig.

• - Integrated T1 (also called channelized T is a digit. • - Integrated T1 (al. • - Intel VT (Virtualization Technology) is the company's hardwar. • - Intelligent video is digital video technolo. • - IAX (Inter-As. • - The I2C (Inter-IC) bus is a bi-directional two-wire s.

• - IAX (Inter-As. • - Private cloud (also called internal cloud) is a m.

• - Internet metering is a service model in whi. • - The Internet of Things is a scenario in w.

• - Inverse multiplexin. • - Internet Protocol add. • - The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IM. • - The IP Multimedia S. • - An IP PBX is a private branch exchange (telephone switching syste. Tune Jo Na Kaha Mp3 Download Songspk on this page. • - An IP PBX is. • - An IP PBX is a private branch exchange (telephone switching syste.

• - An IP PBX is a private branch exchange (telephone switching syste. • - An IP PBX is a private branch exchange (telephone switching system. • - ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) is a standard bus (computer interc. • - ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is a set of CCITT/ITU stan. • • - We've gathered a collection of our iSeries quiz. • - ISO/IEC 38500 is an international standard created. • - ITCH is a direct data-feed interface that allows customers of the NAS.

• - An initialization vector (IV) is an arbitrary number that can be used alo. • - Commonly used by a company within its private automatic branch exchange. • - Commonly used by a company within its private automatic. • - Commonly used by a company within its private automatic branc.

• - Commonly used by a. • - Knowledge process o. • - KnujOn is an interactive Web-based spam reporting service. • - Commonly used by a company within its private automatic branch exchange (. • - Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) is the allocation of relatively hig. • - A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associated devic. • - A local area network (LAN) server is a program (and by im.

• - LAN-free backup is the process of backing up se. • - Last-mile technology is any telecommu. • - LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol) is a Cisco-prop. • • • - A link load balancer, also called a link balancer. • - A link load balancer, also called a link.

• - A link load balancer, also called a link. • - A link lo. • - Load testing is the process of subjecting a computer. • - A local area network (LAN) is a group of. • - A local area network (LAN) is.

• - In telephony, a local loop is the wired connection from a. • - A logical network is one that appears to the us. • - Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a 4G wirel.

• - Long Term Evolution (LTE) i. • - Load testing is the process of subjecting a. • - Loose coupling is a method of interconnecting the. • - Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a 4G wireless broadband technology develop.

• - LUN zoning is a method of configuring SAN fabric to match. • - Machine-to-machine (M2M) is a broad label that can be used to describe. • - Machine-to-machine (M2M) is a broad label. • - Machine-to-machine (M2M) is a broad label. • - Machine-to-machine (M2M) is a.

• - What is managed file transfer (MFT). • - What is managed file tr. • - Sun Microsystems' Modular Datacenter (known as 'Project Blackbox' in the. • - MDI/MDIX is a type of Ethernet port connection using twisted pair cabling. • - MDI/MDIX is a type of Ethernet port connection usin.

• - MDI/MDIX is a type of Ethernet port connection using twisted. • • - MDI/MDIX is a type of Ethernet port connection using twisted pair cab. • - Network convergence is the efficient coexis. • - MDI/MDIX is a type of Eth. • - Metro Ethernet is the use of Carrier Ethernet tec. • - What is managed file transfer (MFT)?Managed file transfer (MFT) is a ty. • - Microsoft Lync Server is enterprise.

• • • - MiFi is a portable broadband wireless device about the size of a cred. • - Mininet is a software emulator for prototyping a large network. • - Multilink PPP is a communications protocol that enables a personal. • - Multichassis multilink PPP (MMP) is an extension of multilink PPP (MP). • - A mobile Internet dev. • - A glossary of mobile techno.

• - Sun Microsystems' Modular Datacenter (kno. • - MOSPF (Multicast Open Shortest Path First) is an extension to the O.

• • - Multilink PPP is a communications protocol that enables a personal comput. • - Microsoft System Center Mobile Device Manager (MSCMDM) is server.

• - Multi-tapping is an older procedure used to enter t. • - MOSPF (Mu. • - Multichassis multilink PP.

• - Multichassis. • - Multilink PPP is a communications protocol that ena.

• - Multipath I/O (MPIO) is a Microsoft f. • - Multilink PPP is a communications protocol that enables a per.

• - Nagios is an open source applcation that monitors a computer netw. • - NAT64 is a proposed mechanism for translating IPv6 packets to IPv4.

• - In the U.K., National Call Fe. • - In the U.K., Na. • - National eGovernance Plan (. • - National eGov. • • • - Network Based Application Recognition (NBAR) is a mechanism that clas. • • - In the U.K., National Call Fee Access (NCFA) is a Number Translation. • • - National eGovernance Plan (NeGP) is an initiative by the government o.

• - NEOSSat (Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite) is a satelli. • • - NetMagic Solutions is an India-based IT h.

• - Netstat is a common command line TCP/IP networking utility avai. • - Network coding is a method of optimizing the flow. • - Network convergence is the efficient co. • - A network drive is a storage device on a local acce.

• - Network fabric is an industry term that describes. • - Network Intelligence (NI) i. • - In communication networks, a topology is a us. • - NSIS (Next Steps in Signaling). • - NSIS (Next Steps. Docuworks 8 Keygen Free. • • - National eGovernance Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG) is a mission mod.

• - NSIS (Next Steps in Signaling) is an evolving communication protocol. • • • - Stagg. • - The Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) is a set of standards defi. • - An omnidirectional antenna is a. • • - A one-armed router is a router that routes tr. • - The Open Grid S. • • - The Open Netw.

• - The OpenFlow Consortium was a collabora. • - An OpenFlow controller is an applicatio.

• - An OpenFlow switch is a software program or har. • - OpenStack Quantum is a cloud networ.

• - OCR (optical charac. • - Staggered quadrature phase-shift keying (SQPSK), also known as offs. • - OTTO (OUCH To Trade Options) is a digital communica. • - OUCH is a digital communications protocol that allo. • - OTTO (OUCH To Trade Options) is a d. • - OTTO (OUCH To Tra. • - P4P (proactive provider participation for P2P) is a protocol designed t.

• • - Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a way to rent hardware, operating sys. • - On the Internet, packet filtering is the process of. • - On the Internet, packet filtering is the proc. • - Packet Order Correction (POC) i. • - Packet Order Correc. • - Parlay (pronounced PAHR-LAY as in the French verb 'parler' - to s.

• - Port Address Translation (PAT), is an extension to network address tran. • - A patch antenna is a wafer-like directional antenna. • - A patch cord is a length of cable, with connectors on t. • - A patch cord is a length of cable, with connectors on the.

• - Path Computation. • - PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol) is a version of E. • • - A peer-to. • - A port interface card (PIC) is a computer circuit board that provides m. • - A plane, in a networking context, i. • - Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a w. • - Platform as a Service.

• - Broadband over Power Line (BPL) is a technology that allows Internet da. • - Plexxi is a Cambridge Massachusetts company that makes software-d. • - Packet Order Correction (POC) is a technique for dealing with out-of-or. • • - Port Address Translation (PAT.

• - Port Address Tran. • - A port interface card (PIC) is a comput. • - A port interface card (PIC). • - Broadband over Power Line (.

• - PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a specification fo. • • - A preamble is a signal used in network communications to sync. • - Churn rate is a measure of. • - An IP PBX is a private branch e. • - Private cloud (also called internal cloud) is a mar. • • - In the administration of a multi-user computer system, a pr. • - In the administration of a multi-user computer system, a.

• • - A programmable network is o. • - A progressive download is a process t. • - Sun Microsystems' Modular Datacenter (known a. • - In a network, promiscuous mode allows a netwo. • • - In information technology, a protocol (from the Greek protoco. • - Pseudowire ( sometimes spelled as pseudo wire or abbrev. • - Pseudowire ( sometimes spelled as pseudo wire or abbrevia.

• - In Microsoft Outlook, a public folder is a folder c. • - Pseudowire ( sometimes spelled as pseudo wire or abbreviated as PW) is a. • - Q signaling (abbreviated QSIG), a protocol for Integrat. • - Q signaling (abbreviated QSIG), a protoco. • - Q.931 (also called Q93 is a signaling protocol for Integrated Servi.

• - Q.931 (also called Q93 is a signaling protocol for Integrated Service. • - Qik is an online video streaming service that allows anyone with a stro. • - QIX (NASDAQ Information Exchange protocol) is a proprietary specificati.

• • - Q signaling (abbreviated QSIG), a protocol for Integrated Services Di. • - A quadruple-play network is one t. • - A quiz about Ethernet: What happens if two device.

• • - Test yourself. A tech vocabulary quiz abou.

• - RASHport, also called RASH (Routing and Special Handling), is a digit. • - RASHport, also called RASH (Routing and Special Handling), is. • • - A real-time location system. • - A real-time location system. • - A real-time l. • • • - A Regional Internet Regis. • - A Regional In.

• - Remote access is the ability to get access to a com. • - Remote access is the ability to get a. • - Remote desktop is a program or an operating syste.

• - Return on marketi. • - A reverse proxy server is a proxy ser. • - A rich Internet application (RIA) is a Web application designed to deli. • - A rich Internet application. • - A rich Internet. • - In the administration of a multi-user computer system, a privileg. • - A Regional Internet Registry (RIR) is a not-for-profit organization tha.

• - RNIS (Reseau Numerique a Integration de Services) is the European nam. • • - An ROADM (reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer) is a device. • • - Return on marketing investment (ROMI) is a metric used to measure the. • - Microsoft RoundTable is a videoconference device designed. • - Route aggregation is an alternate term for. • - Route summarization, also called route aggr.

• - Route summarization, also called route. • • - RASHport, also called. • - A real-time location system (RTLS) is one of a number of technologies. • - In networks, a runt is a packet that is too small. • - A session border controller (SBC) is a device or application that gover. • - Serial Digital Interface (SDI) is a standard for digital video transmis. • • • • - Serial Digital Interface (SDI.

• - Serial Digital In. • - In information technology, a server is a computer program that pr. • - In information technology, a server is a computer program that. • - A session border controller. • - A session borde. • - Shared Key Authentication (.

• - Shared Key Auth. • - This definition closely duplicates. • - A short message servi. • - Shortest path bridging, or 802.1a.

• - Simplex is a communications mode in which only one signal is tr. • - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking is the use.

• • - Shared Key Authentication (SKA) is a process by which a computer can ga. • - In Ethernet and its Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision. • - An SMS gateway is a Web site that allow users to send S. • - A short message service center (SMSC) is the portion of a wireless ne. • - SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Clinica.

• • - SOA networking is the use of the service-oriented. • - Software-defined storage (SDS.

• - Staggered quadrature phase-shift keying (SQPSK), also known as offs. • - Squid is a Unix-based proxy server that c. • • - StarBand is a broadband Internet service provider (ISP) that. • • - STDM, or statistical time division multiplexing, is one method for tr. • • - Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP or FC/IP, also.

• - This definition closely duplicates the definition for twisted pair. • - A quiz about technologies and terms r.

• - In a network, a switched virtual circuit (SVC) is a temporary virtual c. • - In a network, a switched virt. • - In a network, a s.

• - SONET is the American N. • • • - Also see the T-carrier system, of which the T1 is a part. • - Also see the T-carrier system, of which the T1 is a part.

• - To see the relationship between T-carrier, E. • - Also see the T-carrier system, of which the T1 is a part. • - Also see the T-carrier system, of which the T1 is a part. • - To see the relationship between T-carrier, E-carrier, and DS0 multiples. • - TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a set of rules (protocol) used a.

• - A Telecommunications Display Device (TDD), also known as a text telepho. • - Telecommunications, also called telecommu. • - A Telecommu. • • - Traffic engineering is a method. • - The suffix terbo appears in the V.32terbo modem protocol and indica. • - Tethering is the practice of using a mobile device (such as. • - A Telecommunications Display Device (TDD), also k.

• - Thumbing is a method of typing on a small keyboard using the. • - For a local area network (LAN), CDDI (Copper Distributed Data Int.

• - What were people searching the WhatIs. • - Toslink is a connector format for fiber optic digital audio cab. • - Toslink is a connector format for fiber opt. • - Toslink is a connector format for fiber optic digital. • - TrackBack is a technical specification for an Internet pr. • - TrackBack is a technical specification for an Internet prog.

• - Traffic engineering is a method of opti. • - Traffic engineering is a method of optimi.

• - Traffic shaping, also known as 'packet shaping. • - Traffic shapi. • • • - Trema is an open source framework for developing OpenFlow controlle. • - Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) is the Interne. • - A triple-play network is one in which v. • - Tsunami UDP is an open source file transfer protocol th. • - Ubiquitous robotics is the design and d.

• - For more information, see Digital Subscriber Line. • - This term should not be confused with downlink. • - UIML (User Interf. • - A variable-length subne.

• - A variable-length subne. • - A variabl. • - The vertical blanking interval (VBI) is a portion of a television signa. • - Vouch By Reference (VBR) is a protocol for adding third-party certifica. • - Verbose logging is a computer logging mode that. • - The vertical blanking int.

• - The vertical. • - Vertical scalability is the ability t. • - Video on demand (VoD) is an interactive TV tech. • - Video on demand (VoD) is an interac. • - Video telephony is full-duplex, real-time audio.

• - Video telephony is full-duplex, real-time audio-visual co. • - Intel VT (Virtualization Te. • - A variable-length subnet mask (VLSM) is a sequence of numbers of vari. • - VMware is a virtualization and cloud computing software provider. • - Video on demand (VoD) is an interactive TV technology that allows subsc. • - Voice-enabled e-mail (sometimes r. • - Voice-enabled e-mail (sometimes refer.

• - Voice search is a speech recognition technology that. • - Voice-enabled e-mail (sometimes r. • - Voice-enabled e-mail (sometimes refer. • • - Voicemail is a method of storing voice messages electronica. • - As VoIP becomes increasingly preval. • - A VoIP trunk gateway is an interface that.

• - Load testing is the process of subjecting a compu. • - Vouch By Reference (VBR) is a protocol fo. • - Vouch By Reference (VBR) is a. • - Virtual Extensibl. • - Wide Area Ethernet (WAE) or Ethernet WAN (also sometimes referred to as.

• - A WAN accelerator is an appliance that improves. • - Wavelength-di.

• • - Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a method of combining multipl. • - A wireless distribution system (WDS) is a method of interconnecting acc. • - Weave is a set of browser enhancements and associated services from.

• - Web conferencing is a form of real-time colla. • - Weighted fair queueing (WFQ) is a. • - Weighted fair queuein. • - Weighted fair queueing (WFQ) is a method of automatically smoothing out. • - A white space device is an FCC-certified. • - A white space device is an FC. • - Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM), previously known as W.

• - Wi-Fi Direct is a peer-to-peer specification that all. • - Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM), previously known as W. • - Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM), previousl. • - Wireless broadband is high-speed Internet and data service delivered. • - Wide Area Ethernet (WAE) or Ethernet WAN. • - Wide Area Ethernet (WAE) or E.

• - A wildcard mask is a sequence of numbers that strea. • - Windows Azure is an integrated operating system for. • - Windows Server Up. • - Wireless broadband is high-speed Internet. • - Wireless broadband is high.

• - A wireless distributi. • - A wireles. • - A wireless WAN is a wide area network in which separa. • • - A wireless WAN is a wide. • - Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM), previously known as Wireless Multimedia Extensi. • - A white space device is an FCC-certified wireless device that can be us.

• - WSName, or Workstation Name Changer, is a freeware utility that a. • - x2 is a technology from US Robotics (now 3Com) for the downstream transmi. Getting Started with NFV Transform Your Business with the New IP Introduction: The New IP, an Overview Evolving Service Provider Requirements This eBook will discuss network function virtualization (NFV) and its role in the New IP, a network vision that is innovation-centric, software-enabled, ecosystem-driven, open with a purpose, and can be achieved on an operator's own terms. Cloud-based options for network transformation are becoming mainstream, with NFV crossing the hype-cycle chasm into early commercial deployments in the next 12 to 18 months. NFV is being embraced by both large telcos and smaller hosting/cloud service providers alike, as a path to better optimize their networks and uncover fresh revenue paths. NFV, true to its name, virtualizes various network functionalities like session border controllers, voice and messaging policy control, routing, security and firewalls, load balancing and VPN capability—among many others. By implementing network functions in software that can run on a range of industry-standard servers, operators can be freed from the need to install new proprietary equipment within the carrier network itself.

A management layer then orchestrates the resources to support services as needed, in a fluid, dynamic, real-time environment. When fully implemented alongside software-defined networking (SDN) for programmability, this translates into a lower operational cost and the ability to provision services with the flexibility and elasticity that we've come to expect from the on-demand world of the cloud. Please read the attached eBook. NoOps Posted by NoOps (no operations) is the concept that an IT environment can become so automated and abstracted from the underlying infrastructure that there is no need for a dedicated team to manage software in-house. NoOps (no operations) is the concept that an IT environment can become so automated and abstracted from the underlying infrastructure that there is no need for a dedicated team to manage software in-house. Traditionally in the enterprise, an application development team is in charge of gathering business requirements for a software program and writing code. The development team tests their program in an isolated development environment for quality assurance () and -- if requirements are met -- releases the code to an operations team who deploys and maintains the program from that point on.

In a NoOps scenario, maintenance and other tasks performed by the operations team would be automated. Forrester coined the term NoOps, which they define as 'the goal of completely automating the deployment, monitoring and management of applications and the infrastructure on which they run.'

According to Forrester Senior Analyst Glenn O’Donnell, who co-authored the report 'Augment DevOps with NoOps,' it is more likely that although some operations positions will become unnecessary, others will simply evolve from a technical orientation toward a more business-oriented focus. The two main drivers behind NoOps are increasing IT automation and cloud computing. At its most extreme, a NoOps organization is one that has no operations employees at all, however various other systems can be referred to as 'NoOps' as well. For example, Platform-as-a-Service () vendors such as AppFog and describe their offerings as NoOps platforms. Continue Reading About NoOps • • • • Link. Benchmarking a NoSQL Database on Virtualized Public Cloud NoSQL databases are now commonly used to provide a scalable system to store, retrieve and analyze large amounts of data. Most NoSQL databases are designed to automatically partition data and workloads across multiple servers to enable easier, more cost-effective expansion of data stores than the single server/scale up approach of traditional relational databases.

Public cloud infrastructure should provide an effective host platform for NoSQL databases given its horizontal scalability, on-demand capacity, configuration flexibility and metered billing; however, the performance of virtualized public cloud services can suffer relative to bare-metal offerings in I/O intensive use cases. Benchmark tests comparing latency and throughput of operating a high-performance in-memory (flash-optimized), key value store NoSQL database on popular virtualized public cloud services and an automated bare-metal platform show performance advantages of bare-metal over virtualized public cloud, further quantifying conclusions drawn in prior studies. Normalized comparisons that relate price to performance also suggest bare metal with SSDs is a more efficient choice for data-intensive applications. Please read the attached whitepaper. • - Order to cash (OTC or O2C) is a set of business processes that involve. • - OA&M (operations, administration, and management) is a genera. • - OA&M (operations, administration, and management) is a general term u.

• • - An Offline Address Book i. • - OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information S. • • - OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open protocol for token-based auth.

• - Obfuscation, in general, describes a practice that is used. • - Obfuscation, in general, describes a practice that is u. • - Obfuscation, in general, describes a practice that is use. • - OBI (Open Buying on the Internet) is a proposed standard for business-t.

• - In object-oriented programming (OOP), objects are the things you. • - Source code and object code refer to the 'before' and '. • - OLE (Object Linking a. • - The OMG (Object Management Grou. • - The OMG (Object Man. • - Object-oriented program. • • - Object-relational mapping (.

• - Also see ORBS, a term easily confus. • - Also see ORBS, a term e. • - Object storage, also called object-based storage. • - A handy g.

• - Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programm. • • • - Object-oriented program. • - Object-orie. • • - Object-relational mapping (. • - Object-relation. • - In systems engineering, obliquity is a theory that proposes. • - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of s.

• - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate. • - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal ra. • - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal. • - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate.

• - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal. • - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate. • - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal ra. • - OC-768 is currently the fastest synchronous optical network (SONE. • - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate. • - Ockham's razor (also spelled Occam's razor, pronoun. • - In 3-D graphic design, occlusion is the effect of one objec.

• - Occupancy is the percentage of time that call agents actual. • • • - This page identifies Web sites that list occupations an.

• - Ockham's razor (also spelled Occam's razor, prono. • - Ockham's razor (a. • - Organizational change management (OCM) is a framework for managing the. • - OCR (optical character recognition) is the recognition of printed or wr.

• - The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is an organization within the U.S. • - The Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance (OCSIA) is p. • - OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is one of two common scheme. • • - Octal (pronounced AHK-tuhl, from Latin octo or 'eight') is a term t. • - An octal latch is an integrated circuit (IC) that conta. • - In computers, an octet (from the Latin octo or 'eight') is a sequen.

• - Octopus is the production codename for a VMware file sharing ap. • - OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an educational initiative developed by the Mass. • - An OCX is an Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) custom control, a speci.

• - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate m. • - On-demand (OD) computing is an increasingly popular e. • - Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an open standard application pro. • - An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS), sometimes s. • - The Open Document Format (ODF) is an XML-based open source file format. • - ODI (Open Data-Link Interface) is a software interface that allows diff.

• - ODIN (Open Device Identification Number) is a unique identifier deriv. • • • - Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a general term for the use of telec.

• - Open and Dist. • - ODMA (Open Document Management API or Application Program Interface). • • - On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR), also known as Authenticated TURN (ATRN). • - The Open Directory Project (ODP) is a human-edited index of Web sites. • - An operational data store (ODS) is a type of database that's often used. • - Offloaded Data Tran. • - The ampere per meter (symbolized A/m) is the International Unit of magnet.

• - The Open eBook Forum (Open Electronic Book Forum or OEBF) is an organ. • - This confusing term has two meanings: Originally, an OEM (original equi. • - The ampere per meter (symbolized A/m) is the International Unit. • - In cryptography, output feedback (OFB) is a mode of operation for a blo. • - Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of digi. • - Off the grid is a designation for facilities that pro.

• - An off-grid data center is a facility. • - Off-peak, in a call center context, describes a time period w. • - Offensive security is a proactive and ant.

• - An idea that is now over 40 years old, the office. • - The Office for Civil Rights (OC. • - The Office for Civi. • - Hoteling (also called office hoteling) is the p.

• • • - OOXML. • - Offline is the condition of being capable of but currently not. • - A cold backup, also called an offline backup, is. • - An offline folder file is the location. • - Offset printing, also called offset litho. • - Offset printing, also called offset lithography.

• - Offshore outsourcing, a type of busin. • • - Offshore outsourcing, a type of business process outsourc.

• - Oracle Financial Services Software Limited (OFSSL) is a software pr. • - Ogg Theora is an open-source video codec being developed. • - Vorbis is an open source patent-free audio compression fo. • - Ogo is a handheld, battery powered, wireless communications device, rel. • - The Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) is a set of standards defi.

• - This page provides a description of the abbreviations and meanings of eac. • - The Open Handset Alliance (OHA) is a coalition of more than 30 technolo. • - The ohm is the standard unit of electrical resistance in the Internatio. • - Ohm's Law is the mathematical relationship among electric c. • - An ohnosecond is that very short moment in time during wh. • - OK (pronounced oh-KAY and occasionally spelled okay) is a short way to sa. • - OK (pronounced oh-KAY and occasionally spelled okay) is a short way t.

• - An operational level agreement (OLA) is a contract that defines how var. • - OLAP (online analytical processing) enables a user to easily and sele.

• - An OLAP cube is a multidimensional database that is optimiz. • - The “OLAP” designation indicates that one or more. • - OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) is Microsoft's framework for a compo.

• - OLE (Obje. • - OLE DB is Microsoft's strategic low-level application program int. • • - OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a display technology, pioneere. • - OLED (organic light-emi. • - OLED TV is a television display technology based on the charact. • - OLE DB is Microsoft's strategic low-level application program inter.

• - The One Laptop Per Child project (OLPC) is an initiative aimed at pro. • - The One Laptop Per Chil. • - OLTP (online transaction processing) is a class of program that facil.

• - Open Multimedia Application Platform (OMAP) is the name of Texas Inst. • - The OMG (Object Management Group) was formed in 1989 by a group of vend. • - An omnidirectional antenna is a.

• - On-demand (OD) computing is an increasi. • - On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR), also kno. • - An on-screen display (OSD) is a control pan. • - In relation to computer technology, 'on the fly' describe. • - On-demand (OD) computing is an increasi. • • - An on-screen display (OSD) is a control pan.

• - An on-screen display (OSD) is a. • - A soft keyboard (sometimes called an onsc. • - In identity management, o. • • - On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR), also known. • - Sun ONE (Sun Open Net Environment) is a marketing strategy and set of p.

• - The One Laptop Per Child project (OLP. • - One throat to choke is an expression us. • - In Internet e-commerce, 121 is short for one-to-one, the. • - One-to-one marketing (sometimes expre. • - A one-armed router is a router that routes tr. • - A nanotransistor is a transisto.

• - In cryptography, a one-time pad is a system in which. • - In Internet e-commerce, 121 is short for one-to-one, the.

• - One-to-one marketing (sometimes expre. • - A pager is a small telecommunications device that r. • - OneID is a digital identity management service that provides a repo.

• - OneWebDay (OWD) is a celebration of the Internet's ability. • - OneWebDay (OWD) is a celebration of the Interne.

• - Online is the condition of being connected to a network of comput. • - OLAP (online analytic. • - Cloud backup, also known as online backup, is a str. • - Online backup is a method of offsite data storage i. • - Online backup is a. • - OCSP (Onl.

• - A number of generally recognized authorities an. • - Consumer privacy, also known as. • - An online file sharing. • - A discussion board (known also by various other names. • - Online mapping is the compilation and publication. • - An OPAC (Online Publi. • - An OPAC (Online Publi.

• - On the Internet, OSP (online se. • - On the Internet, OS. • - Online Service System (OSS) is a na. • - Online Service System (. • - OLTP (online transa. • - E-voting is an election system that allows a voter.

• - A soft keyboard (sometimes called an onscre. • - Onshore outsourcing (also called domest. • • - In general, ontology (pronounced ahn-TAH-luh-djee) is the stu.

• - According to Eric Raymond, compiler of The New Hacker's Diction. • - An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS), sometimes. • - Out-of-order execution (OoOE) is an approach to processing that allow.

• - Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming language model organ. • - OOPSLA is the annual conference for Object-Oriented Programming S. • • - OOXML (Office Open Extended Markup Language), also called Open XML. • • - An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a.

• - An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a. • - The One Laptop Per Child project (OLPC) is an initiative aimed at pro. • - The One Laptop Per Chil. • - The One Laptop Per Child project (OLP.

• - In information technology, a product or system is described as open w. • - Open Database Connectivit. • - Open Databa.

• - The Open Directory Project (ODP). • - The Open Directory Pr. • - The Open Document Format (ODF) is an. • - The Open Document Format. • - Open source hardware, also called open hardware, is. • - The Open Hardware Initiative.

• - The Open Software Foundation. • - The Open Software. • - In general, open source refers to any program whose sou. • - Open source beer is beer whose recipe is publ. • - Open source. • • - Open Source Developme.

• - The Open Source Har. • - Open source hardware, also called ope. • - Free and open source software (FOSS).

• - Open source software (OSS) refers to. • - Open source software (OSS. • - In a computing context, an open system is an open sourc. • - In general, open source refers to any program whose sou. • - OpenBSD is a free open source operating system based upon the B. • - OpenServing is a service that provides free Web hosting.

• - OpenShift is RedHat’s cloud development Platform as a Servi. • - OpenVPN is an open source virtual private network (VPN) product. • • - Outline Processor Markup Language (OPML) is an XML file format used f. • • - Chef is an open-source systems management and cloud i. • - Open source business intelligence (BI) is, technically, free BI. • - Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) is a nonprofit corporation founde.

• - The Open Software Foundation (OSF) was a pioneer industry-sponsored org. • - Open source software (OSS) refers to software that is developed, tested. • - Outline Pro. • (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) - a nonprofit, international consortium whose goal is to promote the adoption of product-independent standards for information formats such as Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

• - an increasingly popular enterprise model in which computing resources are made available to the user as needed. The resources may be maintained within the user's enterprise, or made available by a service provider. • (OPS) - a proposed standard for how Web users can control the personal information they share with Web sites. OPS has a dual purpose: (1) to allow Web sites to personalize their pages for the individual user and (2) to allow users to control how much personal information they want to share with a Web site. Designing and Building an Open IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) Architecture This white paper provides a roadmap for designing and building an open IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) architecture. You will learn about a new IT data taxonomy defined by the four data sources of IT visibility: wire, machine, agent, and synthetic data sets.

After weighing the role of each IT data source for your organization, you can learn how to combine them in an open ITOA architecture that avoids vendor lock-in, scales out cost-effectively, and unlocks new and unanticipated IT and business insights. Please read the attached whitepaper. • - Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a way to rent hardware, operating sys. • - A parent partition is a logical hard drive di. • - Passive cooling is an approach to cooling compu. • - A power distribution unit is a device for controlling electrical power. • - The Peltier effect is a temperature difference cr.

• - Phase-change cooling, also called vap. • - ECOphlex (PHase-chang. • - Phase-change cooling, also called vap. • - ECOphlex (PHase-chang. • - Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a w. • - Platform as a Service.

• - A power distribution unit is a. • - A power distributio. • - Private cloud (also called internal cloud) is a mar. • - P versus NP (polynomial versus nondeterministic polynomial) r. • - P versus NP (polynomial versus nondeterministic polynom.

• - Photonic ink (P-Ink) is a substance that can change color electroni. • - PRAM (parameter RAM or parameter random access memory) is a special. • - P versus NP (polynomial versus nondeterministic polynom. • • - Photonic ink (P-Ink) is a substance that can change color electroni. • - The P/390 is basically an IBM mainframe system adapted to run on a.

• - Peer-to-peer is a communications model in which each party has the same. • - Path to profitability (sometimes abbreviated as P2P, which also stands. • - Procure to pay (purchase to pay or P2P) is the process of obtaining and.

• - Physical to virtual (P2V) is a term that refers to the migration of an. • - P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences) is a protocol that specifies a w. • - Sponsored by the World Wide Web Consortium, P3P (Platform for Privacy P. • • - Pentium 4 (P4) is the Intel processor (codenamed Willamette) that was rel. • - P4P (proactive provider participation for P2P) is a protocol designed t. • • - Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) is a set of r. • - Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) is a set of r.

• • - Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a way to rent hardware, operating sys. • - A private automatic branch exchange (PABX) is an automatic telephone. • - A package manager, also kno.

• - A package manager, also known as a package mana. • • - A packet is the unit of data that is routed between an origin and.

• - A network analyzer is a combination of hardware. • - On the Internet, packet filtering is the process of. • - On the Internet, packet filtering is the proc.

• - PacketHound is a product that aims to help an enterpr. • - PAP (Packet-Level Procedure) is a.

• - Packet loss is the failure of one or more transmitted p. • - Packet loss concealment (PLC) i. • - Packet loss conceal.

• - Packet mangling is the modification of packets. • - On the Internet, a packet monkey is someone (see cr.

• - Packet Order Correction (POC) i. • - Packet Order Correc. • - Traffic shaping, also known as 'packet shaping,'. • - Packet-switched describes the type of network. • - Packet writing is a technology that enables the w. • - PAP (Packet-Level Procedure) is a.

• - PAP (Packet-Level Pro. • - Packet-switched describes the type of network i. • - Packet-switched describes the type of network. • - PacketHound is a product that aims to help an enterpris. • - Personal Access Communications System (PACS) is a type of wireless te. • - A picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is an information.

• - On the World Wide Web, a page is a file notated with the Hypertext Ma. • - A page description language. • - A page descript.

• - A swap file (or swap space or, in Windows NT, a pagefile) i. • - In storage, a pagefile is a reserved portion of a hard disk t. • - A swap file (or swap space or, in Windows NT, a pagefile) is. • - Pagejacking is stealing the contents of a Web site by c.

• - A pager is a small telecommunications device that receives (and, in. • - In printing, PPM is an abbreviation that stan. • - Paging is a method of writing data to, and reading it from, secon.

• - A pager is a small telecommunications device that receives (and. • - Paid inclusion is a search engine marketing model. • - The Policy Analysis of Internet Routing (PAIR) project is a Merit Net. • • - Phase Alternation Line (PAL) is the analog television display standard.

• - Paladion Networks is a Bengaluru, India-based provider of inf. • - Lynda Weinman's 216-color palette for Mac and Windows browsers. • - Palladium is a plan from Intel, AMD, and Microsoft to build.

• - Palm is the trade name for a popular personal digital assistant (PDA). • - Palm OS is the computer operating s.

• - Palm OS is the computer operating system that provides a softwa. • - Palm OS is the.

• - Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) is the transmission of data by varying. • - A personal area network (PAN) is the interconnection of information tec.

• - pan: In a video, context, panning is the sweeping movement of a camera. • - pan: In a video, context, panning is the sweeping movem. • - A pan setting, in an audio context, is the setting that. • - PAN (primary account number) truncation is a tech. • • - A pandemic plan is a documented strategy for busine.

• - Pandemic planning is a strategic approach t. • - In computer program development, a panel is a representation of wha. • - Pango is an open source project dedicated to creating a Unicode fra. • - Panther was the code name for Mac OS version 10. • - PAP (Packet-Level Procedure) is a full-duplex protocol for transferring. • - Standard weights and measures p. • - A paper battery is a flexible, ultra-thin energy st.

• - The Paperwork Reduction Act is. • - Performance and accountability reporting (PAR) is the process of compil. • - A para-site is a Web site that frames other Web sites or pa. • - A paradigm (pronounced PEHR-uh-daim, from Greek paradeiknyai. • - A paradox is a statement or concept that contains conflicting i. • - Parallax is the way an object�s position or direction changes. • - In the context of the Internet and computing, parallel means.

• • - Parallel ATA (Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment. • • - In a computer, a file system (sometim. • - Parallel presence detect (PPD.

• - Parallel presence. • - In computers, parallel processing is th. • - Parallel processing s. • - A sysplex is IBM's systems complex (the word. • - Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM. • - Parallel Virtual. • - In information technology, a parameter (pronounced puh-RAA.

• - PRAM (parameter RAM or parameter random access memo. • • - PRAM (parameter R. • - Parameter tampering is a form of Web-ba. • - Paravirtualization is an enhancement of v. • - A parent comp. • - A parent partition is a logical hard drive di. • - A Pareto chart, also called a Pareto distribution dia.

• • - A Pareto chart, also ca. • - In this definition, learn what parity is and find out how it work.

• - Parlay (pronounced PAHR-LAY as in the French verb 'parler' - to s. • - To parse is to analyze something in an orderly way. • - In computer technology, a parser is a program, usually part of a. • - In computer technology, a parser is a program, usually part of. • - Parthenogenesis, also called asexual reproducti. • • - In personal computers, a partition is a logical division of.

• - A partner is a member in a partnership, an entity in which both. • - A partner portal is a Web-based application that. • - A partner program is the method that informatio. • - Partner relatio. • - A partner specialization is a des.

• - Pascal is a strongly-typed third-generation language (3GL) with a. • - The pascal (pronounced pass-KAL and abbreviated Pa) is the unit o. • - A passphrase is a string of characters longer than the. • - Passive FTP (sometimes referred to as PASV FTP because. • - A passive optical network (PON). • - A passive optical n. • - Passive reconnaissance is an atte.

• - A passphrase is a string of characters longer than the us. • - A password is an unspaced sequence of characters used to dete. • - Identity chaos (sometimes called password chaos). • - A password cracker is an application program. • - A password cracker is an application progra. • - Password hardening is any one of a variet. • - Password synchronization is a.

• - Test yourself. • - The Pasta Theory of Programming is the idea that vari. • - The Pasta Theory of Pro. • - A pastebin is a Web application that allows users to upload a.

• - Passive FTP (sometimes referred to as PASV FTP because it inv. • - Port Address Translation (PAT), is an extension to network address tran. • - Parallel ATA (Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment or PATA) is a s. • - A patch (sometimes called a 'fix') is a quick-repair job for a piec. • - A patch (sometimes called a 'fix') is a quick-repair jo. • - A patch antenna is a wafer-like directional antenna. • - A patch cord is a length of cable, with connectors on t.

• - A patch cord is a length of cable, with connectors on the. • - Patch management is an area of systems manage. • - A patch Matrix, in a video context, is the display in. • - A patch panel is a mounted hardware unit containing an. • - Patch Tuesday, also known as Black Tuesday, is the. • - In a computer operating system, a path is the route through a file sy.

• - Path Computation. • • - Pathing (sometimes called path control) is a networki.

• - Path to profitability (sometimes ab. • - Path to profitability (. • - Pathing (sometimes called path control) is a networking approac. • - Pathing (sometimes called path co. • - Internet addiction is a psy.

• - Internet addiction is a psy. • - A patient record locator is a com.

• - The Patriot Act was enacted by the U.S. Congress on Oct.

• - PatriotGrid is a group of distributed computing proje. • - PatriotGrid is a group of distributed computing project. • - In software development, a pattern (or design pattern) is a wri. • - In software development, a pa.

• - Click fraud (sometimes called pay-per-c. • - Metered services (also called pay-per-use) is any type. • - Click fraud (sometimes called pay-per-c. • - Metered services (also called pay-per-use) is any type. • - A micropayment is an e-commerce transaction involving. • - On the Internet, a payload is either: The essential data that i. • • - Payment card.

• • - PayPal is a Web-based application for the secure transfer of fund. • - Amazon's PayPhrase is an Internet point-of-sale (POS) short. • - In a Citrix XenServer, a physical block device (PBD) is a connector obj. • - A PBX (private branch exchange) is a telephone system within an enterpr. • - In its more general usage, a personal computer (PC) is a microcomputer de.

• - A blade PC, also called a PC blade, is a computer that is ent. • - A PC Card (previously known as a PCMCIA card) is a credit card.

• - A demo is a non-interactive multimedia presentation that is ren. • - Also see DOS. PC-DOS (Personal Computer - Disk Operating System). • - PC philanthropy is sharing some of the unused r. • - Also see DOS. PC-DOS (Personal Computer - Disk Operating System). • • - PC100 SDRAM is synchronous DRAM (Synchronous dynamic ra.

• • • - PC100 SDRAM is synchronous DRAM (Synchronous dynamic rand. • - PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) is an interconnection system be. • • - A PCI assessment is an audit for validating compl.

• - Payment card industry (PCI) compliance is adheren. • • - The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a. • • - PCI DSS 12 requirements is a se. • - PCI DSS 2.0 (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standa. • - A chart that li.

• - The PCI DSS User Group is a London-based. • - PCI Express (PCIe or PCI-E) is a high speed expansion card format t. • - PCI Express (PCIe or PCI-E) is a high speed expansion c. • - PCI Express (PCIe or PC. • - A PCI policy is a type of security policy that covers how.

• - Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor (PCI QSA) is. • - The PCI Security. • - PCI-X (Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended) is a computer bu. • - CISP (Cardholder Information Security Program) and PCI (Payme.

• - PCI Express (PCIe or PCI-E) is a high speed expansion card format t. • - PCI-SIG I/O Virtualizatio. • - PCI-X (Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended) is a computer bu. • • - PCI Express (PCIe or PCI-E) is a high speed expansion card format tha.

• - PCIe SSS is one of the four f. • - Printer Control Language (PCL) is a language (essentially, a set of com.

• - Pulse code modulation (PCM) is a digitalscheme for transmitting analogd. • - Phase-change memory (PCM) is a form of computer RAM (random-access memo. • - The PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Associati.

• - A PCMCIA card is a credit card-size memory or I/O devic. • - PCoIP is VMware Inc.' S remote display pro. • - Phase-change memory (PCM) is a form of computer RAM (random-access. • - Personal cloud storage (PCS) is an online web service that provides ser.

• - PCS (personal communications service) is a wireless phone service simil. • - PDA (personal digital assistant) is a term for any small mobile hand-he. • - Primary domain controller (PDC) and backup domain controller (BDC) are. • - HSPD-7 (Homeland Security Presidential Directive No.

7) was a dir. • - PDF is also an abbreviation for the Netware Printer Definition File. • - A page description language (PDL) specifies the arrangement of a printe. • - Product development is a broad field of endeavor dealing with the desig. • - PDP-11 (Programmed Data Processor-1 is one of the most famous com.

• - PDP-11 (Programmed Data Processor-1 is one of the most famous com. • - A power distribution unit is a device for controlling electrical power. • - Discovered in the fall of 1999, the Kriz virus (known more form. • - Peachtree is an accounting application for small and medium. • - Peak (pk) is the maximum value, either positive (pk+) or negative (pk. • - Peak (pk) is the maximum value, either positive (pk+) or ne.

• - Peak-to-peak (pk-pk) is the difference between the ma. • - Peak-to-peak (pk-pk) is the difference between the ma.

• - Peak-to-peak (pk-pk) is the differenc. • - PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol) is a version of E. • • - PEBCAK, one of many terms used in Internet chatting, stands for '. • • - Kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi, pebi, and exbi are binary prefix multipliers. • - The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) are the.

• - Peer review is a process used for checking the work per. • - Peer-to-peer is a communications model in which each. • - Peer-to-peer is a communications. • - A peer-to. • - Peering is the arrangement of traffic exchange between Internet.

• - The term pel has been replaced by pixel, another contraction of 'pictur. • - The Peltier effect is a temperature difference cr. • - Penetration testing (also called pen testing) is a tool for t. • - Penetration testi. • - Penetration testing (also called pen te. • - Tux, the penguin, is the generally accepted official logo for t. • - Also see the Pentium MMX and the Pentium 3.

The Pentium is a wi. • - The Pentium III is a microprocessor designed by Intel as a.

• - Pentium 4 (P4) is the Intel processor (codenamed Willamette. • - Pentium 4 (P4) is the Intel processor (codenamed. • - PeopleSoft is a leading provider of e-business applicatio. • - Peppermint is a lightweight open source operating system.

• - The famous diary that Samuel Pepys (pronounced PEEP. • - The per cent symbol is used in mathematics, eng. • - The per cent symbol is used in mathemat. • - The per mil symbol is used in mathematics, and es. • - The per cent symbol is used in mathematics, engineering, and sc. • - Percent change -- also known as percent difference. • - A calculator for finding pe.

• - Percent change -- also known as percent d. • - The per cent symbol is used in mathematics, engin. • - Phase-change memory (PCM) is a form of computer RAM (ra. • - Performance seems to have two meanings: The speed at wh.

• • • - Performance man. • - A performance scorecard is a graphi. • - Performance testing is the process of d. • - When a satellite follows a non-circular orbit around the earth. • - A network perimeter is the boundary between the private and.

• - A peripheral (pronounced peh-RIHF-uh-ruhl, a noun truncat. • - PCI (Periph. • • - Perl is a script programming language that is similar in syntax to th.

• - Fixed data (sometimes referred to as permanent da. • - A permanent virtual circuit. • - A permanent vir.

• - Permeability, also called magnetic permeability, is a. • - The permeability of free. • - Permission marketing is an approach t. • - Permittivity, also called electric permittivity, is a.

• - The permittivity of free. • - A persistent desktop is a virtual desktop. • • - A personal area network (PAN) is th. • - A personal area network. • - Personal cloud storage (PCS) is a. • - Personal cloud storag.

• - PCS (personal c. • - PCS (personal. • - In its more general usage, a personal compu. • - In its more general usage, a pers. • • • • • • - Consumer privacy, also known as cus.

• - PDA (personal digital ass. • - PDA (personal. • - A personal firewall (sometimes called a des. • - Developed by the Nippon T.

• - Developed. • - Personal health informa. • - Personal he. • - A personal health record (PHR) is. • - A personal health rec. • - In Web programming, Personal Home Page (P.

• - In Web programming, Personal. • • - A perso. • - Now considered a Sun legacy product, PersonalJava i. • - A personal operating space (P.

• - A personal operat. • - A bookmark portal is a free application service.

• - In education, the Personal Re. • - In education, the. • - Personal Search Syndica. • - Personal Se. • - A desktop supercomputer, also cal.

• - A personal video recorder (PVR) is an. • - A personal video recorder (PVR). • - A personal video re.

• - A personal video recorder (PVR) i. • - A personal VM (personal virtu. • - A personal VM (personal virtual machine) is a virtual c. • • - PWS, an abbreviation for Personal Web S. • - PWS, an abbreviation for Pe.

• - A personality profile is a knowledge ma. • • - On a Web site, personalization is the process o. • - Now considered a Sun legacy product, PersonalJava is. • • • - Persona.

• • - A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedule, organize. • - A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedul.

• • - A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedule, o. • - Pervasive computing (also called ubiqui. • • - Prefix multipliers are used in data storage, data communications, ele. • - A petabit is one quadrillion (1015) binary digits and is used i. • - A petabyte is a measure of memory or storage capacity and is. • - A petaflop is a measure of a computer's processing speed and.

• - The picofarad per meter (symbolized pF/m) is a unit of electric permi. • - PFC (power factor correction; also known as power factor controller) is. • • - Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a popular program used to encrypt and decr. • - Ph is an Internet facility that lets you search for someone's e-mail addr. • - A phablet is a computing device with a screen size between five.

• - In mobile wireless communication, phantom diali. • - A phantom page is a Web page that is optimized for se. • - The pharma hack is an exploit that takes advantage of v.

• - Detailing is a marketing tech. • - Pharming is a scamming practice in which malicious code is in. • - In electronic signaling, phase is a definition of the position of a. • - Phase Alternation Line (PAL) is t.

• - Phase Alternation Lin. • - Phase change is a type of compact disk (CD) recording. • - Phase-change cooling, also called vap. • - ECOphlex (PHase-chang. • - Phase-change memory (PCM) is a form of. • - A phase-locked loop (PLL) is an electronic.

• - Phase modulation (PM) is a method of impressi. • - Phase modulation (PM) is a method o. • - Phase-shift keying (PSK) is a method of d. • - Phase-change cooling, also called vap. • - ECOphlex (PHase-chang. • - Phase-change memory (PCM) is a form of.

• - Phase-change memory (PCM) i. • - Phase-change memory (PCM) is a form of comput. • - A phase-locked loop (PLL) is an electronic circ.

• - A phase-locked loop (PLL) is an electronic. • - A phase-locked loop (PLL) is an. • - Phase-shift keying (PSK) is a method of d. • - Phase-shift keying (PSK) is a.

• - A phased antenna system consists of. • - A phaser is an electronic sound processor, that creates a sweepin. • - The Public Health Data Standards Consortium (referred to as PHDSC o. • - Personal health information (PHI), also referred to as protected health. • - Phishing is an e-mail fraud method in which the perpetrator sends o.

• - Phishing is an e-mail fraud method in which the perpetrator sen. • - Phishing is an e-mail fraud method in which the perpetrator s. • - A phishing kit is a collection of tools assembled to. • - Ah, the festive season! • - SMiShing is a mobile phone security attack in. • - Phlashing is a permanent denial of service (PDoS) attack th.

• - PHOLED (phosphorescent organic light-emitting device) is a propri. • • - Resources for looking up phone numbers.

• • • - Photo CD is a process from Kodak that puts film images (inclu. • - Picture messaging (sometimes called photo messa. • - Photoconductivity is the tendency of a subs. • - Photometric stereo is a computer vision m. • - In some ways, visible light behaves like a wave phenomenon, but i. • - An optical computer (also called a photonic.

• - Photonic ink (P-Ink) is a substance that can change c. • - Photonic ink (P-Ink) is a substance t. • - A photonic (or optical) network is a communic. • - A photoni.

• - Lambda switching (sometimes called photon. • - Photonics is an area of study that involves the use of radi. • - A photosensor is an electronic component that detects t. • - A photovoltaic cell (PV cell) is a speciali. • - A photovoltaic cell (PV. • - A photovoltaic cell (PV cell) is a specialized semi. • - In Web programming, Personal Home Page (PHP) is a script language and i.

• - PHP is a script language and interpreter that is freely available and u. • - A PHTML (or it's sometimes called a PHP) page is a Web page that includ.

• - PHP is a script langu. • - PHP is a script language and interpreter that is freely available and.

• - PHP is a script language and interpreter that is freely available and. • - A personal health record (PHR) is a collection of health-related inform.

• - A phreak is someone who breaks into the telephone network illegal. • - A phreak is someone who breaks into the telephone network i.

• - Developed by the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, the Person. • - A PHTML (or it's sometimes called a PHP) page is a Web page that in.

• - A PHTML (or it's sometimes called a PHP) page is a We. • - A PHTML (or it's sometimes called a PHP). • - A physical address is a binary number in the. • - In a Citrix XenServer, a physical b.

• - In a Citrix XenServer. • - A physical computer is a hardware-based dev. • - In the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communi. • - Physical security is the protection of pers. • - Physical to virtual (P2V) is a term tha.

• - Physical to virtual (P2V) i. • - In IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA), a phys. • - In IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SN. • - Fizt (pronounced FIZZ-tee, and short for physics tool. • - Pi is a numerical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circum. • - The Predictive Index (PI) is a theory-based, self-report measurement of n. • - A port interface card (PIC) is a computer circuit board that provides m.

• - PIC microcontrollers are a family of. • - Pick is a data base management system (DMS) based on a business model. • • - A picoliter is a trillionth (one millionth of a millionth, or 10 to t.

• - A picocell is a small mobile base station that improves in-bu. • - The picofarad per meter (symbolized pF/. • - The picofarad per meter (. • - A picoliter is a trillionth (one millionth of a millionth. • - A miniaturized satellite is an earth-orbiting devic. • - A picosecond is one trillionth (10 -12) of a second, or o.

• - The Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) is a World Wide We. • - PictBridge is the name of an industry standard for firmwa. • - A tech vocabulary quiz. Test yourself - printe. • - PICTIVE (Plastic Interface for Collaborative Technology Initiat. • • - In graph theory, a pictograph is a graph that shows numer. • • • - The term pel has been replaced by pixel, anothe.

• - The term pel has been replaced by p. • - Picture in Picture (PIP) is a video effec. • - Picture in Picture (PIP) is a. • - A PIP box (picture in picture box. • • • - Picture messaging (sometimes called photo m. • - Picture view is a mode of appearance for EditDV's Pro. • - A pie graph (or pie chart) is a specialized graph used in s.

• - A pie graph (or pie chart) is a specialized graph used in s. • - A pie graph (or pie chart) is. • - Piezoelectricity, also called the piezoelectr.

• - Personally identifiable financial information (PIFI) is any type of p. • - Piggybacking, in a wireless communications context, i. • - Pigs and chickens is an analogy used in the. • - Personally identifiable information (PII) is any data about an individu. • - Product information management (PIM) is a classification of software pr. • - Protocol-independent multicast (PIM) is a set of four specifications th. • - Processing in memory (PIM, sometimes called processor in memory) is the.

• - A pin is a pronged contact as part of a signal interface in a computer. • - The PIN lock is an authentication measure for mobile phones t. • - A pin is a pronged contact as part of a signal interface. • - A pinout is a description of the purpose of each pin (electroni. • - Ping is a basic Internet program that allows a user to verify that a.

• - On the Internet, ping of death is a denial of servi. • - A ping storm is a condition in which the Internet ping pr. • - Ping strangeness is a term used in troublesho. • - A ping sweep (also known as an ICMP sweep) is a basic net. • - A ping sweep (also known as an. • - Pink noise is acoustical energy distributed uniformly. • - A pinout is a description of the purpose of each pin (electronic.

• - Pinterest is a social curation website for sharing and cate. • - Programmed Input/Output (PIO) is a way of moving data between devices i. • - Programmed Input/Ou. • - Picture in Picture (PIP) is a video effect which places several complet.

• - A PIP box (picture in picture box) is the graphic image you man. • - A PIP box (pi. • - In computer programming, especially in UNIX operating systems, a pipe.

• - A pipeline burst cache is a cache. • - In computers, a pipeline is the continuous and somewhat o. • - Software piracy is the illegal copying, distribution, or use of s. • - Software piracy is the illegal copying, distribution, or use of s. • - Software piracy is the illegal copying, distribution, or use.

• - Leonardo Pisano, also known as Fibonacci (for filius Bonacci, mea. • - A personal identity verification (PIV) card is a United State. • - A pivot table is a program tool that allows you to reor. • - The pixel (a word invented from 'picture element') is the basic uni. • - Pixelation is the display of a digitized image where the indi.

• - Pixelation is the display of a digitized image where the in. • - Pixelation is the display of a digitized image where the. • - In computers, pixels per inch (ppi) is a measur. • - In computers, pixels per inch (ppi). • - Pixie dust is the informal name that IBM is using for its. • • - Pixilated, an adjective derived from pixie (a fairy elf), d. • - The term 'pizza box server' refers to the sha.

• - Peak (pk) is the maximum value, either positive (pk+) or negative (pk-). • - Peak-to-peak (pk-pk) is the difference between the maximum positive. • - Peak-to-peak (pk-pk) is the difference between the maximum positive.

• - The Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) are a set of intervendor. • - A PKI (public key infrastructure) enables users of a basically unsecure. • - A PKI (public k. • - PKZIP (also capitalized as PKZip) is a program, originally writ. • - PKZIP (also capitalized as PKZip) is a program, originally written. • - PKZIP (also capitalized as PKZip) is a progra.

• - In Oracle database management, PL/SQL is a procedural language ex. • - PL/I is a third-generation (3GL) programming language developed in th. • - PL/I is a third-generation (3GL) programming language developed in th. • - PL/S is a language that IBM designed for use in developing system pro. • - PL/S is a language that IBM designed for use in developing system pro. • - In Oracle database management, PL/SQL is a procedural language ex. • • - Placeshifting (or place shifting) is a technology.

• - Placeshifting (or place shifting) is a technology tha. • - Placeshifting (or place shifting) is a technology t.

• - Plagiarism is the illicit copying of another person's wor. • - POTS is a term sometime. • - POTS is a. • - In cryptography, plaintext is ordinary readable text before. • - Planck's constant, symbolized h, relates th. • - A plane, in a networking context, i.

• - Planned obsolescence.