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For me, Nintendo has always been the gold standard in gaming. I’ve not been without a Nintendo console in decades now, and I’m an enormous fan of the Zelda, Mario and Metroid series (and F-Zero, and Animal Crossing, and Starfox, and so on). With today’s powerful Mac (and PC) hardware, we can rediscover all of our favourite vintage Nintendo games via emulation - and you can even use the original controllers, if you have them. Emulation of videogames consoles is legally questionable at best.

Second-hand consoles are readily available to buy, and you should seriously consider grabbing them for fun and nostalgia. If you’re like me, you probably already have many or all of these systems in your basement or attic, waiting to be used again.

Downloading games that you don’t own is definitely illegal, of course, and it hurts the content providers. The only reason that we have games to play is because people pay for them - so please don’t download ROMs of games that you don’t actually own. It’s easy to buy huge packs of second-hand console games on ebay, often with the actual systems included, and it doesn’t cost a lot of money. Having said all that, most of us probably have several gadgets (including current-generation games consoles) hooked up to our televisions, and may not have suitable ports or connections to keep old systems plugged in too. It can be much more convenient to play those older games on the ultra-sharp, vivid screen of your Mac instead.

Every previous Nintendo system has an emulator available for OS X, and they all run just fine on 10.8 Mountain Lion. All emulators can be played using the keyboard and/or mouse, or any generic USB gamepad. Here’s my advice: choose your pad very carefully. Most older systems used a D-pad as the primary directional input device, and not all D-pads are created equal. RSI and wrist injury are a very real possibility, particularly if you’re not ten years old anymore.

Nintendo spends a great deal of time designing and testing their input devices, and they build products to last. I’ve consistently found that the original official controllers are by far the most pleasant to play with. Dot Drug Testing Requirements. They can all be used with your Mac without modification, using cheap USB adapters which I’ll talk about shortly.

Precision is also important, and the original pads won’t let you down. You’ll find the NES controller’s D-pad to be firm and quite springy, and the SNES to be softer and feel more settled. Both will give you many years of retro gaming pleasure. If you do decide to use a third-party replica pad (or perhaps even a modern USB pad), exercise caution and see how your wrists are handling it. Cheap knock-offs don’t go through anything like the Q&A of Nintendo’s official pads, and you’ll also almost certainly have to replace them much sooner.

(As an aside, if you have any spare official Nintendo controllers for any system that are in good condition and perfect working order, I’d be very interested in obtaining them. My email address is matt at this domain. I promise to cherish them, and to use them!) Prepare for a blast of nostalgia.

The classic NES controller. SNES9X SNES emulator for OS X Pay no attention to the average middle-aged man standing by this sign! I didn’t get an N64 immediately, because I was spending most of my time flying around the world and working. When I did get some time at home, I was window-shopping and decided to just buy one on a whim. I got the Super Mario 64 pack, and also picked up Ocarina of Time. Playing Ocarina over the next week is one of my most cherished gaming memories. (Did you know that they?

It’s an excellent version of the game.) The N64 controller looked a lot like a spaceship, and you almost always held it with your right hand on the rightmost prong, and your left hand on the middle prong, to use the analog joystick. The stick sometimes felt a little bit high, but it was precise, pleasantly springy, and a bit of a revelation at the time.

OpenEmu N64 emulator for OS X Take it respectfully! I did get a Gamecube on launch day, and thankfully it was purple (my favourite colour) by default. I think I lost about three weeks of my life playing Rogue Leader over and over. The ‘cube controllers eschewed the N64’s C-buttons for a second analog C-stick (handily named, since it’s almost always used to control the in-game camera), which is of course now a standard feature across most consoles.

It’s a very solid joypad with perfectly-placed controls, and a satisfyingly huge A button. I can testify that it readily survives repeated collisions with walls, but is susceptible to teeth-marks when chewed with rage. OpenEmu controller configuration screen The best way to experience handheld games is on the original systems, all of which are readily available to buy second-hand.

My advice would be to get: • A (which also plays DS games), • A (which plays Game Boy Advance games), and: • A Game Boy Color (which also plays original Game Boy games). If you want a bigger screen for your Game Boy Advance games, the SP series is fantastic, with plenty of options for the colour of the device. Additionally, if your eyesight isn’t what it was and you’re worried about peering at small screens, note that there are larger versions of both and available too. Nintendo 3DS and Gameboy Micro If you want to emulate, I believe that all of the Nintendo portable platforms are supported on the Mac (with the exception of 3DS at the moment, as far as I know). I’m not sure how viable it is to play DS or 3DS games without a touch-screen, and certain games presumably won’t be playable at all due to their advanced use of the microphone, the screen-hinge switch and so on (the fabulous Hotel Dusk and Another Code series would be prime examples). Buy the actual systems! It’s possible to connect all of the aforementioned joypads to a single Mac simultaneously, but you’ll likely need a USB hub.

I can highly recommend the for the job; I have four joypads, three iOS devices and a Wacom Intuos 5 graphics tablet all connected to it without issues. The Legend of Zelda, from NES to Gamecube I’m, and also. If you enjoyed this post and want to feed my gaming habit (or something else), I have an. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a hookshot to find.

RetroArch is a multi-system emulator for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and *BSD. It is formerly known as SSNES.

Its design and background is quite different than most other emulators as RetroArch does not implement an emulation core itself. RetroArch talks to libretro, a generic emulator core API. This means that RetroArch is core agnostic, and it does not care which emulator core is running. Currently there are libretro implementations for systems such as SNES, NES, GBA, GB/GBC, Genesis, and even arcade games (Final Burn Alpha). Libretro isn't only usable for emulators. A preliminary port of an open source reimplementation of Cave Story has been ported to libretro as well.

RetroArch believes in modularity. The application itself is a command-line driven application suitable for HTPC and/or headless use. There also exists a GUI frontend for RetroArch, supporting every single config option available in RetroArch. You can seamlessly utilize the GUI without thinking of RetroArch as a command line application, which is a probable scenario for most Windows and OS X users.

RetroArch-Phoenix, the GUI frontend, can be found on GitHub. Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 and Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer This site distributes software free of charge via Our Download Manager which is compatible with PCs running Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8 and Mac OS X. Besides managing the download of your selected software, the download manager will make recommendations for commercial offers that you might be interested in. The additional software may include toolbars, browser add-ons and other types of software applications.

You are not required to install any additional software to receive the software you are trying to download. You can completely remove any of the installed programs at any time in Windows Add/Remove programs. More info about the uninstalling can be found. AVG SafeGuard toolbar alerts you before you visit dangerous webpages to make sure your identity, personal information, and computer are protected. EP128emu is a free, portable emulator of the Enterprise 64/128, ZX Spectrum 48/128, and Amstrad CPC 464/664/6128 computers, written by Istvan Varga, using Z80 emulation code from Kevin Thacker's ENTER emulator.

Ep128emu implements all the basic functionality of an Enterprise 128, such as the Z80 CPU (all documented and many undocumented opcodes are supported), NICK chip, DAVE (there is very good. “As a senior executive with accountabilities for new brand innovation, they made significant contributions to the development of an award-winning innovation strategy and the ideation and execution of new brand offerings. In my experience, their combination of strategic thinking/planning and concept development/creative execution is very hard to find.” – CMO, International Packaged Foods Company Instructions on how to build VBA-M with the wx gui on Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite): 1.

Download the latest VBA-M source code (r1389 at this time) to a location (for example, ~/vbam) 2. Install the latest (6.3.1 at this time) from the Apple developer website or Mac App Store. Requires Apple id (free registration). Install the Xcode command line tools by either downloading from the Apple developer website or typing. For the last decade, Macs have been running a UNIX-ish operating system on x86 processors.

They’ve been fantastic developer’s machines, and the MacBook Pro is the de facto standard laptop issued to all developers, all hackathon attendees, and arguably, anyone who does real work with a computer. This week, Apple unveiled the latest MacBook Pro and provided more evidence Steve Jobs actually knew what he was doing. Fifteen hundred bones will get you a MacBook Pro with a last-gen processor, an Escape key, a headphone jack, and two Thunderbolt 3 ports (with one port required for charging). The next model up costs 00, ditches the Escape key for a dedicated emoji bar, and includes four Thunderbolt 3 ports. In the past, I have defended people who choose MacBooks as their laptop of choice.

A MacBook is a business-class laptop, and of course carries a higher price tag. However, Apple’s latest hardware release was underwhelming and overpriced. If you’re looking for a new laptop, you would do well to consider other brands. To that end, here’s a buyer’s guide to ThinkPads, currently the second most popular laptop I’ve seen with the dev/hacker/code cracker crowd. The ThinkPad was created in 1992 by IBM. In the first few years of development, three product lines came to the forefront. The 300 series ThinkPad was the bottom rung, the 500 series was middle of the road, and the 700 series was the best you could get. This is the same sort of thinking that went into marketing the BMW 3, 5, and 7-series.

This is same marketing that went into naming the PowerBook 100, 140, and 170. Here are the names Apple still uses for their laptops (and yes, these are the actual model names): • 13-inch MacBook Pro with 2.0GHz Processor and 256GB Storage • 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar and Touch ID, 2.9 GHz Processor and 256GB Storage • 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar and Touch ID, 2.9GHz Processor and 512GB Storage The ThinkPad naming convention makes marketing easier, product differentiation simpler, and by comparison shows us Apple without Jobs the first time was better than Apple without Jobs the second time. In the world of ThinkPads, this tradition continues. In 2005, IBM sold their PC division to Lenovo, who now maintains the space-grade reputation of the ThinkPad brand. However, not all ThinkPads are created equal. The T, X, and P series are the only ThinkPads you should care about. While many Lenovo laptops have been the target of several security concerns and 0-days such as, laptops not bearing T, X, or P-series label are disproportionately affected. Not only are the lower-grade ThinkPads (E and L-series) shipped with more crapware, the construction of the three premier lines of ThinkPads is much more robust.

With that said, here’s a buyer’s guide for the most common use cases we’ve seen. The Lenovo x220t. Image: Lenovo You have two choices: the.

These are old laptops, yes, but thanks to this is the newest ThinkPad you can use. If you’re going this far back, install Libreboot, and disregard everything said on the Libreboot mailing list for the last few months. If you only need a burner laptop and don’t need GPL coursing through every vein in your body, you’re getting an. With the X220, you’ll have a slightly more modern ThinkPad, but still one that can handle basic tasks, development, and pretty much everything that isn’t video, gaming, or photo editing. This is the Mad Max laptop, available for about 0 through eBay or the like. Install an SSD, and you have a perfectly capable daily driver.

The X220, and the X230 (the one with the downgraded keyboard), is now an active area of research. Here’s the breakdown of the ThinkPad product lines. The X-series is the ultraportable line of ThinkPads. The T-series is the middle of the road – slightly larger than the X-series, but a little more capable. The P-series (formerly W-series) the portable workstation class of ThinkPads.

Image: Lenovo Taking the series as the first letter of the model name, next we can consider the screen size. The X260 has a 12″ screen. The T460 has a 14″ screen. The P50 has a 15″ screen, and the P70 has a 17″ screen. Obviously, the first number of the model name designates the screen size. With that breakdown out of the way, here’s a decent buyer’s guide: If you want an ultraportable, buy an.

If you want discrete graphics, get a. If you do not have back problems yet and want a portable workstation, get a. Need a laptop with a Xeon and ECC memory? Pluraleyes Mac Crack more. Within the X, T, and P lines of ThinkPads, there’s something for everybody.

Don’t max out OEM RAM — just buy another stick. The same theory goes with SSDs and hard drives.

A laptop is not for you. Build your own desktop. It’s like Lego, but for adults. With the exception of 3D printers, Hackaday is surprisingly reticent to give suggestions on consumer electronics. That said, our experience in planning so many meetups, attending so many hackathons, and chilling out at so many conferences gives us a unique insight into laptop buying trends.

Overall, the Hackaday community is split 60:30 between MacBooks and ThinkPads, with the remainder being taken up by rooted Chromebooks or some truly terrible Black Friday specials. Although an endless wave of posts of the latest and shiniest product are highly popular and profitable from an editorial standpoint, this post is an outlier. We’re not going to become the next Uber Consumer Blog wasting your time with product announcements. However, Apple’s latest MacBook announcement missed the mark and you won’t find many people saying otherwise. ThinkPads have excellent Linux support, and is coming to Windows.

A portable computer is mandatory these days, and we humbly offer our experience in the hacker’s second choice of laptop. Well, it took 100 days but the EPA has finally removed the climate change section of its website.

Is a non-profit digital library that attempts collect as much digital knowledge as possible, including a vast collection of web pages. The Internet Archive’s is the most obvious choice for looking up an old version of a site, but it’s also worth nothing that you can help with the process by manually saving specific web pages, including all of the assets on that page. You can also download that page as a PDF if you’d like. To save a site,, then paste a URL into the box that says Save Page Now.

You can also use the Wayback Machine’s browser extensions (/) to save any pages you’re currently looking at with a couple of clicks. The Wayback Machine is great for the public good, but if you want your own personal backup, you’ll want to look into a few different options. The most obvious of those is to simply download a page or site yourself.

Is probably the simplest way to do so and has the bonus of saving a site online as well. Drop a URL into, and when it’s done rendering the page, you’ll see a Download Zip option to download the whole thing for your own safe keeping. will also host that backup much in the same way that The Internet Archive does. Otherwise, a desktop tool like does the job just as easily. Of course, if you’re comfortable with the command line,.

If downloading the raw HTML files of a site isn’t necessary, then screen captures might do the trick. This is also useful when the layout or visual style of a page is important, because oftentimes archive sites can mess things up slightly. There are a ton of screen capture tools out in the world, but a few are better than others. If you’re a Google Drive user, the extension can instantly convert a page to a screenshot, then save it Drive. If you don’t use Drive, does the same thing but saves to your local drive. Otherwise, a desktop tool like on Windows or on Mac will do the trick.

Most web browsers also have an Export to PDF option as well, if you’d prefer to save a page that way. If you use a modern notes app like,,, or, then you have access to a web clipper that saves the entire contents of a page to your notes. Once you install the web clipper extension for your notes app, you can save a site, and the contents, optionally including images, will get saved. So, you’re interested in secure, encrypted chat apps. You have a few different choices, but as with any chat app, what all your friends are using is important. To that end, Signal and WhatsApp are easily the most popular. Here’s how they compare.

Secure messaging apps are growing in popularity as we all come to realize how much data companies collect about us every day. Unlike phone calls, it’s much easier to imagine some giant corporate entity or government getting ahold of one of your chat transcripts and using it for nefarious means. While many apps out there that do this, including Apple’s iMessage, WhatsApp and Signal lead the way in both popularity, platform availability, and features. Aside from messaging, both apps also include voice and video calling, though we’ll be concentrating on the text messaging capabilities of both here.

Let’s break down how both work: •: While WhatsApp has the most users between these two, you’ve probably heard about Signal more often in the news whenever people are talking about encryption. Pretty much any article you read about security, from Snowden to Russia, includes a mention of Signal. That’s because every message that’s sent over Signal supports end-to-end encryption (we’ll get into exactly what this means below). This security measure means that if someone intercepted your messages, or found them on a server somewhere, they would see gibberish, not the actual text of a conversation. Signal is also open-source, peer-reviewed, and routinely audited, which means it’s pretty much always up to date from a security standpoint. •: WhatsApp has, which is an insane number, all things considered.

What’s also crazy is the fact that WhatsApp partnered with the company behind Signal, Open Whisper Systems, to integrate the same end-to-end encrypted chat protocol as Signal. Unlike Signal, which bills itself as a security app, WhatsApp bills itself as a messaging application first, which means it has all sorts of silly chat stuff like stickers and GIFs.

While the Signal protocol that WhatsApp uses for encryption is open-source, the rest of the app isn’t, so we don’t know everything that happens behind the scenes. Broad strokes don’t mean much when it comes to actually comparing how these two apps work though, so let’s dig in, starting with the most important part, encryption. End-to-end encryption is a term we hear a lot these days, but how it works and why it’s important for security isn’t always clear. Long ago, we sent messages in plain text, meaning that anyone could see the contents of a message if they caught it while it travelled from sender to receiver. Nowadays, many messaging apps using end-to-end encryption. When done correctly, end-to-end encryption prevents a third party from viewing a conversation.

It does so by sending the key to unlock the message the receiver so only they can view it. For a more technical breakdown of exactly how it works, (PDF). This also means that even the provider, in this case, WhatsApp and Signal, cannot see the contents of a message.

So, if a third party, like a government, attempts to access those messages, they can’t see the content of that message; they’ll see a garbled bunch of characters. Both WhatsApp and Signal use the same exact protocols for encryption. That means you can assume your messages are safe and secure regardless of which service you use.

How they store personal information and message metadata differs though. Metadata is the important part here. Metadata can show who you send a message to and when. You might remember the term from the Snowden leaks,.

While WhatsApp doesn’t keep your messaging beyond the course of it trying to deliver that message (if the recipient is offline it’ll stay on WhatsApp’s servers until the message goes through), it does collect a lot of other information about you. Based on their, this includes usage and log information, device information, contact information, cookies, status updates (like when you were last online), and your location if you choose to share it.

They can also put that metadata together using other people’s information. For example, if you’re not sharing your contact list, but a friend of yours is and you’re in it, then they can put those two pieces of information together. It’s also worth remembering that Facebook owns WhatsApp, which means it shares data for ad targeting., but it’s a noteworthy features because the relationship between the two is going to make some people uncomfortable. None of this is bad by any stretch of the word, but it’s still worth noting. Facebook and WhatsApp announced a new data sharing plan that’ll improve targeted advertising and Security researchers also tend to worry about the fact that by default, WhatsApp backs up your data, including chat history, to your phone’s Google or iCloud account. This means that people may accidentally hand over some data to a third party without realizing it.

You can disable these backups of course, but many users may not realize it’s happening. One final nitpick with WhatsApp’s security comes from the fact that everyone involved in a conversation needs to be using a recent version of the app that supports encryption in order for it work. This isn’t a huge deal for most of us, but if you have a friend who never updates their apps, the encryption may not be on for the conversation. Signal, in turn, has the shortest I’ve ever seen.

They store only what’s required for the service to work, like your phone number, random keys, and your profile information. It then keeps your IP address for as long as necessary to send the information. Like any service, Signal can and will turn over what information they have to a government entity that legally requests it, but they don’t have much in the way of data to begin with.

Both options are secure, but Signal is more privacy-friendly, partially because it lacks the number of features that WhatsApp has. WhatsApp was a messaging app first and added the security features later on. Signal was all about security first. Because of this, WhatsApp has more now-traditional chat features. Both Signal and WhatsApp also include voice calling and video calling to round out the messaging apps.

WhatsApp allows you to send read receipts, see typing indicators, mute conversations, block contacts, set notifications, and customize what’s downloaded. You can send your location, what you’re listening to, a voice memo, add in GIFs, and more. If you’re on iOS, WhatsApp integrates with Siri so you can send messages or hear messages while on the go. WhatsApp also has some of its own tricks, like Broadcast Lists, which is a group message that looks like it’s sent to a recipient directly, almost like an old-school SMS group spam chat.

You can even set the wallpaper background for each conversation thread. WhatsApp does pretty much everything that the likes of iMessage, Messenger, or Hangouts does.

Signal has plenty of features too, though they’re a bit more subdued and arguably more utilitarian. Signal includes a modern style group chat function, supports multimedia messages including GIFs, can send your location, and you can set messages to delete themselves after a set amount of time. In general, it’s more barebones and takes a little longer to update, but that’s on purpose.

The simpler it is, the easier it is to keep your data private and secure. Though WhatsApp is the one to get all the fancy new features we’re all used to in messaging apps, it’s weirdly behind with its desktop app, though Signal is only slightly better. You can access Signal on your computer, but it’s a. Still, it works well enough. WhatsApp, in turn, and, but they use your phone to access WhatsApp, which mean your phone needs to be nearby. If your phone isn’t connecting to the internet, the desktop client will not work. This one’s kind of a wash, neither are great, but at least they have options.

The good news is that both Signal and WhatsApp are great, and both do their job well. Chances are you’re going to go where your friends are, but if you’re choosing between these two options, then pick which suits your needs. Which is best for you depends on why you’re using a messaging app. If you want security, as in, you don’t want some random person or government reading your messages, then WhatsApp is plenty for you, though in the case of a security breach, WhatsApp is going to have more information about you in storage.

If you prefer a full-blown, all-in, “nobody can see anything that you do in any way shape or form no matter what” solution, then Signal is the app for you. Over the weekend, our President-elect fingered South Carolina congressman Mick Mulvaney to lead the The White House has not publicly confirmed Manning’s appointment but Politico’s claims that her name has already been added to the Department of Health and Human Services’ employee directory. As deputy assistant secretary for population affairs, Manning would oversee around 6 million that is allocated to the federal family planning program. The program was founded in 1970 and since then, the rate of unintended pregnancies in the U.S.

Has plummetted, and the. According to: Manning, an at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, was formerly a legislative analyst at the conservative Family Research Council and for the National Right to Life Committee, the largest US organization. Manning has questioned the efficacy of contraception in preventing pregnancy, and also said the government shouldn’t play a role in family planning—the foundational ideas behind the federal family planning program she will now be tasked with overseeing. In a, Manning noted that pro-choice advocates “promote contraception and birth control as a way to reduce the incidence of abortion.

There really is no evidence to support that. In fact, the incidence of contraception use and the incidence of abortion go up hand in hand.” Of course, Manning is just making shit up when she says that.

A from Washington University School of Medicine found that access to free birth control cuts abortion rates by a range of 62 to 78 percent compared to the national rate. And as access to contraception has spread across the U.S., abortion rates are at they’ve been since the supreme court’s decision in Roe v. Manning will have science-denying company at HHS. Trump appointed to the top communications post at the department last week.

Yoest will inform the public about health issues and will serve as the agency’s liaison in discussions over future public policy. Yoest told the in 2012, that intrauterine devices (IUDs), have “life-ending properties.” The devices actually prevent pregnancy. The potential repercussions of these appointments are severe. Yoest will have the power to spread misinformation to the public and lawmakers, while Manning will have control of the purse strings for government funded health services that affected around in 2009. According to, “Seventy percent of those patients had income below the federal poverty line; two-thirds had no health insurance.” To be clear, Title X does not provide funding to clinics that offer abortions as a method for family planning. It does offer birth control, tests for cervical and breast cancer, and tests for STDs. By the way, Yoest believes abortion increases the risk of breast cancer.

When the pressed her for any scientific data regarding that claim, “Yoest would only refer back to the pro-life obstetricians she trusts and later declared that the scientific establishment ‘is under the control of the abortion lobby.’” What to do when important agencies are being staffed with anti-science whack-a-doodles in senior positions? At Facebook’s annual developer conference, F8, on Wednesday, the group unveiled what may be Remarkable advances are being made in technologies that can analyze brain activity every day and we’re reaching a point that it might be time to clearly define the ethics of peeking into others’ thoughts. Marcello Ienca, a neuroethicist at the University of Basel, and Roberto Andorno, a human rights lawyer at the University of Zurich, have some initial ideas for how we might approach these new human rights. Their proposals were published in the journal today. Much like, we’ll likely be debating what should and shouldn’t be allowed in the expanding fields of tech that make reading and altering brain activity possible.

The four proposed human rights break down like this: Cognitive Liberty The right to cognitive liberty would ensure that a person would be allowed “to alter one’s mental states with the help of neurotools as well as to refuse to do so.” For instance, one would have the choice to opt-in or out of techniques like the military’s that allegedly enhances job skills or new methods for. If adopted, this might protect citizens or workers from being forced to accept the treatments by the government or an employer. Mental Privacy This one’s fairly self-explanatory, but it would make it illegal to read someone’s mind without their consent. We still have a lot of work to do in the field before scientists will be able to just choose to read anything they want in a person’s mind but it’s still worth defining protections early. Even in the experimental stages of development, test subjects should be allowed to define what areas of their brain information are open for viewing and how that information can be used later. Of course, when Facebook finally gets its mind-reading program off the ground, you’d have to sort through the massive terms of service agreement to find what areas of your mind belong to them.

Still, it’s good to have legal protections defined so that the terms of service are required to inform you what is and isn’t off limits. Mental Integrity The right to mental integrity would shield people from. Brain chip implants are and influential entrepreneurs are jumping into the business. But if our brain chips are as connected to the internet of things, we could be in for a world of pain. The theoretical sky is the limit when it comes to malicious brain hacking because it would depend on what function the brain chip implant is performing. It’s possible that a hacker could take control of a person’s voluntary functions or even have their brain completely bricked. Psychological Continuity Protecting one’s psychological continuity is similar to ensuring their mental integrity but may be more urgent.

(DBS) is already being tested in treating mental health issues like depression. In that treated patients with Parkinson’s disease, dramatic improvement in motor disability was found. But the subjects also reported a feeling that they had lost part of their personality. More than half of the patients said things like “I do not feel like myself anymore”, “I feel like a robot” or “I have not found myself again after the surgery,” following the treatment. The right to psychological continuity would protect subjects from treatments or enhancements that might harm their sense of identity. It may seem a little early to be defining these rules when all of the technologies that are involved are still in early experimental stages.

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The forex market is truly. The current exchange rate. If the market price falls through.

The crust of the Earth is composed of a great variety of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. The crust is underlain by the mantle.

The upper part of the mantle is composed mostly of peridotite, a rock denser than rocks common in the overlying crust. The boundary between the crust and mantle is conventionally placed at the Mohorovi?i?

Discontinuity, a boundary defined by a contrast in seismic velocity. The crust occupies less than 1% of Earth's volume.[1] The oceanic crust of the sheet is different from its continental crust. The oceanic crust is 5 km (3 mi) to 10 km (6 mi) thick[2] and is composed primarily of basalt, diabase, and gabbro. The continental crust is typically from 30 km (20 mi) to 50 km (30 mi) thick and is mostly composed of slightly less dense rocks than those of the oceanic crust. Some of these less dense rocks, such as granite, are common in the continental crust but rare to absent in the oceanic crust. Partly by analogy to what is known about the Moon, Earth is considered to have differentiated from an aggregate of planetesimals into its core, mantle and crust within about 100 million years of the formation of the planet, 4.6 billion years ago. The primordial crust was very thin and was probably recycled by much more vigorous plate tectonics and destroyed by significant asteroid impacts, which were much more common in the early stages of the solar system.

Earth has probably always had some form of basaltic crust, but the age of the oldest oceanic crust today is only about 200 million years. In contrast, the bulk of the continental crust is much older. The oldest continental crustal rocks on Earth have ages in the range from about 3.7 to 4.28 billion years [4][5] and have been found in the Narryer Gneiss Terrane in Western Australia, in the Acasta Gneiss in the Northwest Territories on the Canadian Shield, and on other cratonic regions such as those on the Fennoscandian Shield.

Some zircon with age as great as 4.3 billion years has been found in the Narryer Gneiss Terrane. A theoretical protoplanet named 'Theia' is thought to have collided with the forming Earth, and part of the material ejected into space by the collision accreted to form the Moon. As the Moon formed, the outer part of it is thought to have been molten, a “lunar magma ocean.” Plagioclase feldspar crystallized in large amounts from this magma ocean and floated toward the surface. The cumulate rocks form much of the crust. The upper part of the crust probably averages about 88% plagioclase (near the lower limit of 90% defined for anorthosite): the lower part of the crust may contain a higher percentage of ferromagnesian minerals such as the pyroxenes and olivine, but even that lower part probably averages about 78% plagioclase.[9] The underlying mantle is denser and olivine-rich.

The thickness of the crust ranges between about 20 and 120 km. Crust on the far side of the Moon averages about 12 km thicker than that on the near side. Estimates of average thickness fall in the range from about 50 to 60 km. Most of this plagioclase-rich crust formed shortly after formation of the moon, between about 4.5 and 4.3 billion years ago. Perhaps 10% or less of the crust consists of igneous rock added after the formation of the initial plagioclase-rich material.

The best-characterized and most voluminous of these later additions are the mare basalts formed between about 3.9 and 3.2 billion years ago. Minor volcanism continued after 3.2 billion years, perhaps as recently as 1 billion years ago. There is no evidence of plate tectonics.