European Handball Game Sense Lesson

European Handball Game Sense Lesson

UNIT 1: INVASION (COURT) GAMES. (BEGINNING TO INTERMEDIATE). INTRODUCTION: This unit is aimed at developing “game sense” or 'thinking' skills in relation to Invasion (Court) games: • All games will be small-sided modified games, and relate to: Netball, Basketball and Team Handball. • Each lesson is designed. Unit Overview Prepared by: Elizabeth Kukely. Lesson # Topic. Importance in handball; Handball game: Handball goal, balls, bench.

European Handball: Rules The playing court in a game of European Handball is forty meters long and twenty meters wide. There is a goal at each end with a crease around the perimeter. The crease is six meters with a seven meter line where penalty shots take place. The crease also contains a goal-keepers restraining line, to which the goalie must stay behind unless the ball is rolling freely inside the crease. The game is played in two, thirty minute halves. A coin toss before the match decides which team begins with possession and which team chooses a side.

European Handball Game Sense Lesson

The ball is made of leather or a synthetic material. Sizes vary depending on gender and age categories. Each team is allowed a maximum of seven players on the court, however, they can not play with less than five unless decided otherwise by the referee. The ball can be thrown, caught, stopped, pushed or hit by using hands, arms, head, torso, thighs and knees.

The ball may be held for a maximum of three seconds or for a maximum of three steps. A player may dribble the ball to avoid the three second/step rule, however, due to the size and shape of the ball it can be very difficult to dribble. If a team has possession of the ball and is making no obvious attempt at an attack or shot, they are penalized with a free-throw.

This is called passive play and the free-throw is taken from wherever the ball was when the call was made. Body contact is permitted so long as it is made from the front and not the side or back. Similar to most invasion games, European Handball has many penalties and works on a scale of progression. Players are first warned about their illegal actions, but will be penalized with a free-throw awarded to the other team if such actions occur again, ultimately resorting to ejection from the game. Also, if the penalty prevents a clear scoring chance (to the discretion of the referee), the team will be awarded with a penalty-shot from the seven meter line.

After a goal has been scored, the team that allowed it is given a throw-off from center court (basically, a player carries the ball to center line and throws it to a teammate from there). Whenever the ball leaves the court the team that touched it last before doing-so allows the other team a throw-in. This is similar to soccer where the ball is thrown in from the sideline without a stoppage of time. The team to score the most amount of goals within the time limit is determined the winner.

Home Page Physical Education Lesson Plan Team Handball Lesson 1 Student-centered Subject: Passing Time: 50 min. Level: Grades 10-12 (~ 24 students) Equipment: 15-20 handballs, 24 cones, & pinnies. Objectives: • Through guided discovery I want the students to discover the proper techniques for performing the overhead, bounce & pronation pass, while stationary & in motion. • Then relate these skills to a game situation.

Intro: (2 min) • Tell class that we are focusing on 3 types of passes in handball that they will learn through guided discovery. Warm up: (5 min) Team-Tag: • 1person starts as ‘it’ & tries to tag others. Kartina Tv Crack Serial Keygen Torrent.

• When tagged you join teams with ‘it’ & hold hands. • For every multiple of 2 the team splits & forms more groups that are also ‘it’. 4 people will split to form 2 teams of 2. Stretching: (3 min) Teaching points - Overhead & Bounce Pass: (do not tell them the points first, rather allow them to experiment and guide them there).

Side of body facing target, weight back. Rotate body forward, leading with elbow. Hold ball higher than head to shoot over defender.

Should have 2 right angles: 1 with biceps & forearm, other with triceps & side of body. Bounce pass same as above, except pass in front of person and bounce of floor. Activity 1: Overhead pass - no movement (8 min) • With partner vary distance apart (8-25 ft.) and pass ball to each other. • Use any creative way you can think of. (show some of the very creative methods). • Now attempt to pass the way you expect it to be performed.

• What is the most effective method? • Use someone who is doing it correctly to run through teaching points (1-4).

• What do you notice about the pass when you vary distance? Paul Ekman Facial Action Coding System Pdf on this page. (long = more force needed). • What are some things we can do to get more force to increase distance?

Twist body - try it with and without twisting. Step forward - try it; which foot is better? 3 steps & jump off opposite foot.

Activity 2: Bounce pass - no movement (3 min). • Technique for the bounce pass is the same as the overhead pass. • Where is the best place for the ball to bounce? Try it close & far. • Vary force, distance, & level.

Activity 3: Bounce & Overhead pass with movement (5 min). Safety-keep head up looking for others and balls. • Moving in general space use either pass to partner. • Which pass works best in different situations? Far apart, person in the way, etc. • Now vary speed of receiver, what did you notice about your pass? Teaching Points - Pronation Pass: 1.

Elbow of shooting arm at your side. Quick side pass to partner (short distances).

Activity 4: Pronation pass (4 min). • Stand (sides facing; not front) about 6-8 feet from partner. • If you cannot turn or twist, how can you pass to partner?

• Show creative ideas. Ask which way is most effective. • Eventually get to proper technique. Activity 5: Triangle/Square pass (8 min).

• 4 people per group, 1 ball, 4 cones. • Use 3 cones to form triangle, 1 person on each cone and defender in center. • Offense pass ball using 3 methods before defender touches them.

• Defender can touch person holding ball or get ball when passed, if successful switch with passer. Progressions: • Add other cone to form square, now one opening and players must fill open cone next to player with ball to receive pass (no long pass, only to sides). • Involves a lot of movement and creative thinking by students. Activity 6: Modified game of handball (7 min). • No dribbling, but can take 3 steps & pass/shoot. • 2 cones close together for small goals, no crease or goalie.

• 6 teams of 4, play cross court (3 courts of 2 teams or 2 courts of 3 teams and rotate). Variations: 1.

Everyone on team must receive ball before shot is taken, or 2. Minimum of 4 passes, or 3. Must see all 3 types of passes. Cool Down and Summary (5 min). • Go over technical points of each pass by asking them questions.

• Ask when and why you would use a certain pass. • Relate to other activities. Contact me.