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X-Ray Camera is a free photography application for Android that permits getting photographs through structures. (Download Aplikasi kamera Tembus Pandang) X-Ray Camera offers an Enhanced-reality cam application that makes it conceivable to take photographs through structures and dividers by using the GPS. It correspondingly has a substitute zoom contraption works up to 100 mile away.
In a far-reaching way hold cam level, change zoom segment if essential them easy to utilize or simply take after the on-screen introduction. Tips: If the contraption gives off an impression of being showing in the wrong bearing, move the gadget pretty much as drawing a “figure 8” to re-balance. In the event that the charging stucks, fundamentally hold up and affirm the GPS is beginning now begun. If you’re inside and strolling around a passage or window, the contraption is filtering for a GPS fix.
Once in a while, basically waving the gadget around gets a GPS signal. The best setting fro urban zones would be a zoom part of 2. Some high thickness ranges, case in point, Manhattan or the East-end may profit from the zoom variable of 1. For suburban zones, the base zoom part would be 3-6, reliant upon the division between streets. Dengan aplikasi ini, sobat dapat dengan mudah melakukan aktifitas di Fb seperti update status, upload foto, mencari teman, dan lainnya. Ini menggunakan auto detection untuk semua tipe atau jenis OS HP, baik itu HP yang berbasis java, android, windows, ataupun blackberry. Untuk sobat semua yang ingin download aplikasi facebook terbaru untuk handphone sobat silahkan langsung menuju ke TKP dibawah: Setelah dibuka kemudian langsung install deh sobat.
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